Italy 24 Press News

Drought’. Catania (FdI) proposes artificial stimulation of rainfall also for Gela – il Gazzettino di Gela

Palermo – Among the measures planned to combat drought in Sicily, artificial stimulation of rainfall should also be used, through the “cloud seeding” technique: this is the request to the regional government contained in a motion by Giuseppe Catania, member of the Ars di Fratelli of Italy and vice-president of the Productive Activities Commission, who underlines: «An experimental project on a well-defined area of ​​Sicily would be appropriate, in addition to the other initiatives planned by the Regional Civil Protection to mitigate the water crisis: the reduction of consumption of drinking water users, the adaptation of reservoirs, information and awareness campaigns for savings, the finding of alternative resources, the purchase of tankers and silos, the implementation and system of wells and springs, the repair of water networks, the modernization of the desalination plants in the abandoned sites of Porto Empedocle, Paceco-Trapani and possibly also Gela”.

“Cloud seeding” is based on the diffusion of jets of silver iodide or dry ice (solid state carbon dioxide) within certain clouds, through the use of special aircraft or through cannons. Earth. «Thanks to new technologies it is also possible to use hot air balloons or drones which guarantee greater effectiveness and lower operating costs – underlines Catania – The government of the United Arab Emirates, a country with very little rain, has long been using companies that offer services of this type. Demand has also increased in the western United States and Mexico. Recent authoritative scientific studies and practical applications have shown that cloud seeding can increase precipitation by up to 10-30% in optimal conditions.”

Hence the motion, which commits the regional government to prepare and launch – in collaboration with research institutes and specialized companies – a pilot “cloud seeding” project. A technical-scientific committee is also foreseen to monitor and evaluate the results. Furthermore, Catania hopes «collaboration with local communities, farmers’ associations and water resources management bodies to ensure the success and sustainability of the project.

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