Italy 24 Press News

Italia dei Diritti denounces, the lack of maintenance of the greenery transforms Tivoli into a city jungle

Weeds between buildings and along pedestrian walkways, grass so tall that it reaches the tops of trees which in turn are not pruned, this is the situation that the IdD, through the on-site manager Enrico Perniè, reports to the municipality of Tivoli

Rome 22 May 2024: The attention of the political movement Italia dei Diritti in recent days is directed towards the electoral campaign in the municipalities where the IdD is present with its own lists and candidates, this does not take away from the territorial managers and shadow councilors the commitment to monitor the territory. In Tivoli, for example, Enrico Perni, responsible for the Tiburtino municipality of the movement chaired by the journalist Antonello De Pierro, reports a situation of degradation with weeds which also create various dangers for the physical safety of people: “We are in via Alfredo Palazzi where the situation , due to the negligence of the municipality of Tivoli in the management of the territory and green areas, speaks for itself. their fate without being pruned, the pedestrian passage with the staircase that connects via Palazzi to via Tiburto invaded by vegetation which has already caused some people to fall, I would like to say – concludes Perniè – that this is the municipality of Tivoli so think carefully dear citizens, now that you are going to vote for who to express your preferences”. Carlo Spinelli Roman Provincial Secretary and national manager for Internal Policy IdD intervenes on what was reported by Enrico Perniè: “In these days we are bringing our principles and ideas to the voters of those municipalities where Italia dei Diritti participates in the electoral competition, through targeted programs aimed at improving the living conditions of the population residing especially in small municipalities, but our work of denouncing administrative distortions has not stopped and the report of the good Enrico Perniè responsible for the movement for the municipality of Tivoli is one of demonstration. Despite his commitment in the electoral campaign for the municipalities of Vallepietra and Orvinio where Perniè himself is a candidate for the office of municipal councilor – continues Spinelli – he managed to find the time and the way to point out this situation of degradation which is manifesting itself in the area. territory under the jurisdiction of the municipality of Tivoli, a veritable city jungle between homes, along pavements and stairways, which has already caused falls with related physical damage to people. Of course now, in election time, perhaps something will move, yet another Italian mockery, namely that of concentrating work close to the elections by municipal administrations to gain votes, and unfortunately there are still those who fall for it. However, the movement has come to wake up and give strong signals against these behaviors – concludes Spinelli – but not by deserting the polls as unfortunately the Italians are doing, but by avoiding rewarding them so that they can go home and give the municipality into their hands to those who truly deserve it.”

Italia dei Diritti press office, province of Rome

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