Italy 24 Press News

Terni rewards schools for “The art of doing kindness”

Terni rewards schools for “The art of doing kindness”

The Quartiere Polymer socio-cultural center and the SOS Soccorso Opere Sociali association, in collaboration with Cesvol Umbria and the Municipality of Terni, have promoted a call to stimulate reflection on the individual and collective value of kindness and give centrality to the protagonism of the new generations , so that they contribute to the formation of aware, responsible citizens and active subjects of social change. Children and young people from the classes of the San Giovanni and Don Milani educational directions and the Marconi comprehensive institute participated with themes, nursery rhymes, stories, drawings, photos, comics, paintings and social commercials, telling the meaning of kindness and care for other.

On the occasion of the presentation of the works and the awards ceremony, scheduled for Friday 24 May at 5pm at the Polymer neighborhood social centre, Alexander Bani, an 11-year-old from Città di Castello, will be present, nominated by President Sergio Mattarella as Standard Bearer of the Republic for his solidarity and friendship shown towards a Ukrainian child fleeing the war. Alexander, an improvised cultural mediator, allowed his new friend and classmate to rediscover that sense of normality compromised by the difficulties and traumas resulting from fleeing his country.

The entries chosen by the jury will receive as a prize a shopping voucher worth 200 euros to be used for material to support the teaching activities of the classes participating in the competition. The event, presented by president Marcello Bizzotti, Laura Brignone of Ancescao, Maura Satolli school coordinator of the Polymer center and Silvia Camillucci, coordinator of Cesvol Umbria, aims to give centrality to the protagonism of the new generations in the promotion of kindness and active citizenship, at a time when it is essential to reflect on the values ​​of solidarity and inclusion, especially in a context marked by conflicts and social tensions like the current one.

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