Italy 24 Press News

Limitation and acquittal for the investigation into the exploitation of carers between Gavirate and Varese

There was the story of the arrival in Italy after the endless bus journeys from Romania to come and assist elderly Italians, the reconstruction of the conditions upon arrival in our country and on the first stay with we even sleep 10 people in a room in apartments in Varese before “sorting” to the customer’s home.

Someone spoke. And the suspicions became material for an investigation that ten years ago led to the discovery of a suspect “carer racket” in Varese, in particular through two assistance entities in Gavirate and Gallarate.

The verdict has arrived for that trial in which five people were accused: for the accusation of criminal association the crime is extinguished due to supervening statute of limitations (i.e. lack of interest on the part of the state, due to the enormous time that has elapsed, in prosecuting a specific crime) while for the other charge, that of “illicit intermediation and labor exploitation“ the judge considered the acquittal “because the fact does not exist”.

Some of the carers involved in this affair had taken civil action (lawyer Andrea Toppi). The two defendants remaining in the main proceedings of the trial, a 68-year-old Italian and a 48-year-old Romanian, were defended by lawyers Fabrizio Piarulli and Irene Visconti.

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