Italy 24 Press News

Florence, decides on short-term rentals: the TAR reserves the decision

Palazzo Vecchio

FLORENCE – Short-term rentals and the Municipality’s resolution: the Tuscany Regional Administrative Court has reserved the right to decide at the end of the hearing on the appeal against the urban planning resolution of Palazo Vecchio on short-term tourist rentals, with a ban on allocating new properties in the area for this purpose UNESCO of the historic center of the city.

The resolution was adopted on October 2nd: in the City Council it passed with the favorable votes of the Pd and Lista Nardella and the negative votes of Iv, who is part of the majority. Sinistra Progetto Comune, a mixed group (with Andrea Asciuti) and the group leader of the M5s Roberto De Blasi are also in favour. The center-right and the Center group are against.

Lining up against the resolution are Codacons, Confedilizia, Apartments Florence together with Property Managers Italia who at the time explained that they had given a mandate with “30 other representatives, including natural and legal persons” to their lawyers “to lodge an appeal with the TAR against the anti-democratic move of the Municipality of Florence”.


short-term rentals, Florence, Tuscany Tar

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