Italy 24 Press News

Vittoria Parma Calcio, exploited to favor “someone”

What a shame, not even in the Banana Republic would it go this far! The media propaganda – packaged for some time – did not take a moment to use the victory in the championship to complete the brainwashing of public opinion, superimposing the sporting data of the football team with the speculative business data of the private real estate operation. The usual, hateful manipulative use of press information, equally present in the administrators’ declarations, to hide the fact that behind the new stadium there is primarily the free concession to a private individual of a precious public area of ​​39,000 m2, for a required period of 90 years, with 9,000 m2 of commercial, exhibition and office space achievable only through a devastating urban planning variant written by the private company and shaped exclusively for the purposes of its financial interests. While we would be left with permanent damage to the common good of the “city”, to the environment and to everyone’s well-being and quality of life.

Parma Calcio has become so used to doing what it wants that, with the Services Conference still underway, and even before the City Council’s ruling on the variant, agreement and duration of the concession… In short, in the arrogant certainty of having guaranteed the With the grave approval of all his granite requests, he saw fit to launch the new official website of the “Parma stadium”, to which the Gazzetta’s megaphone immediately dedicated ample space.

We understand that these 3 years of complete subjugation of the press and administrations, the previous one as well as the current one, and the decisive guarantees of the large (and not very hidden) local stakeholders, have “created the monster”. But allowing Parma Calcio to go to the point of so shamelessly ignoring the control function of the officials of the offices and bodies in the Security Council, which with such contempt can reduce the Councilors to cardboard figures on the benches of the municipal hall, really makes the institutional breach made by the Administration, which – forgetting its role as guarantor of the public interest and without ever having carried out its impartial mandate – allows all this without any reaction, and hands over the largest property in the city to a private individual .

Presumption, arrogance, self-referentiality of the private sector legitimized by too many exclusive facilities and by the same submissive and opaque behavior of the public institution: the affair of the new stadium is a slap in the face to the dignity of the citizens, a true insult to the history of democratic culture of Parma, to which we will not stop opposing. Because this will NEVER be our story, this is not the city and community we want to be.

Tardini Sustainable Committee

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