Italy 24 Press News

Between Codacons and Fedez “peace” in the shadow of Ilva. Video

We will write in the shadow of Taranto chimneys peace between Codacons And Fedez? As stated in a note from the consumer association, ithe president of Codacons, Carlo Rienzihas “decided to accept the armistice proposal advanced yesterday by Fedez through a journalist present at the hearing before the Court of Rome and invited the rapper next May 16th in Taranto, in front of the former Ilva headquarters, to raise awareness through his fame the problem of the workers and citizens of Taranto” and the environmental issue.

«Swould have an important gesture, more than any fundraiserto raise awareness among public opinion and institutions on the need to better reconcile the right to work with the right to health, starting from the assumption that people’s lives always come before economic profit”, says the association.

«Come on appointment in Fedez for next May 16th in Taranto when Codacons will deliver to thirty workers who suffered medical damage due to the steelworks compensation obtained in their favor by our association, which represented the workers in a legal case which ended with a complete victory” concludes Rienzi.

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