Italy 24 Press News

Thursday market in Massa postponed due to the passage of the Giro d’Italia

The passage of the Giro d’Italia “stops” the Campagna Amica market in Largo Matteotti. The weekly appointment with the farmers’ market in the center of Massa promoted by Coldiretti will be postponed from Wednesday 8 May to Thursday 9 May with the same methods and time. The changes to the road system and the traffic restrictions have in fact led to the decision by Coldiretti to postpone the market to ensure the residents of Massa the now usual appointment with the seasonal products of the area. The Campagna Amica market has in fact become a point of reference for residents who can find everything they need among the stalls of agricultural producers: from seasonal fruit and vegetables to Lunigiana meat, sheep, goat and cow cheeses, from honey to jams, flours and flours, fiero, plants and much more. For information or official Facebook page @coldirettimassacarrara, Instagram @Coldiretti_Toscana and official YouTube page “Coldiretti Toscana”

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