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Basketball, Serie C | Sennori-Torres 90-71: Hubalek takes the lead, game 1 at InnovYou

Sennori makes home advantage count and takes game one of the Serie C final by beating Sef Torres 90-71. InnovYou’s change of pace in the third period was decisive on both sides of the field, with Hubalek – 36 points for the former Dinamo Sassari at the final siren – protagonist in the most important moment of the first chapter of the series.

The race

The final gap does not correspond to the balance of a first half in which the attacks were the protagonists, to the pleasure of the Dinamo Sassari players Alfonzo McKinnie, Brandon Jefferson and Breein Tyree present at the Sorso building. Sef Torres approaches the match better, relying on high percentages from 6.75 with Biolchini and Dore combining six triples in two. The lightness of the Sassari team counterbalances some small problems of a Sennori team who suffer from the sudden absence of Pisano, who was injured in the warm-up. The first 10 minutes thus become an adaptation to the match for the Sennoresi, with Hubalek and Tola above all keeping the home team afloat in a first quarter that ends at 23-31 in favor of Sef. The wind begins to change in the second period. Torres reaches +11 with the triple – and the only three points of the evening – from Riccardo Pisano, but it is the signal that gives the Piras men a shock who, pushed by Merella and Hubalek, come back into contact with a partial score of 9- 0 which puts the race back on track. Dore keeps Carlini’s boys ahead, but Merella scores at 44 with just over 1 minute left in the first half, while Hubalek and Cordedda build the first important lead of the evening at 50-47.

After the break Sennori changes face in defence. He was marked face to face and struggled to find a way to get into rhythm, Pisano’s foul problems made themselves felt and Piredda and his teammates also began to lack confidence. Torres’ attack shuts down completely and Sennori takes advantage of it, first taking advantage of the experience of Tola and Cordedda, then relying on an incomparable Hubalek in terms of centimeters under the boards and from long range. Two triples at the end of the quarter punish the area chosen by the Sassari team to try to stop the home team’s physical advantage, with a 21-7 run that directs the match. The big Czech continues to bomb even at the start of the fourth period and the game ends up in the safe very quickly, with only time to adjust the statistics in the final part. It ends 90-71, next meeting Sunday 12 May for game 2 within the walls of the Sorso arena.

InnovYou Sennori-Sef Torres 90-71

Partial: 23-31; 27-16; 21-7; 19-17

InnovYou Sennori: Melis, Cordedda 21, Cherchi 3, S. Piras, M. Piras, Merella 14, Marreu, Tola 16, Pisano, Bertolini, Hubalek 36, Medda. Coach: Piras

Sef Torres: Dore 19, Raffo 3, Biolchini 19, Basoli, Tanda, N. Pisano 8, Vargiu 3, Piredda 8, R. Pisano 3, Cabras 8, Panai, Fiori. Coach: Carlini

Matteo Cardia

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