Italy 24 Press News

Group of Italian tourists stranded on the island of Socotra in Yemen, the destination not recommended by the Farnesina

The 15 no longer know how to return to Italy tourists that remained blocked on the island of Socotrain Yemen. Due to the ongoing conflict, the only weekly flight from the island has been cancelled. The Farnesina is already taking action on the matter.

Italian tourists stranded on the island of Socotra

THE Italian tourists they had left from Abu Dhabi With theOnly weekly flight For Socotra, an island of Yemen in the Arabian Sea. Then when it was time to return, problems arose.

Because of ongoing conflict in the region the airline Air Arabia has in fact flight cancelled returning to the United Arab Emirates.

The island of Socotra in Yemen

They don’t give us any newswe know nothing”, say the Italians al Corriere della Seraalso acknowledging that he had made a risky choice traveling to a destination considered dangerous.

Return flight perhaps on May 5th

There Farnesina has already taken action to assist Italian tourists stranded in Yemen. From what we understand, the Italian embassy in Abu Dhabi has contacted the Emirates airline to request the resumption of connections planes with Socotra.

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A first return flight from the island could be restored on Sunday May 5th.

Among Italian tourists there are several Venetians. The President of the Luca Region Zaia he made it known that he was in contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “It is hoped that the return flight can be activated in a few days”.

Yemen is a destination not recommended by the Farnesina

The island of Socotra has become one tourist destination increasingly popular in recent times, also thanks to videos by influencers and travel bloggers on Instagram and TikTok.

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Although it is a destination considered at risk, due to the civil war ongoing for some time in Yemen and for the conflict of the last few months Middle East.

“AND absolutely not recommendeddue to the continuation of the conflict, go to Yemen and travel throughout the country, including the island of Socotra”, we read on the Farnesina website “Traveling Safely“.

A warning that has been present for years and was last reiterated on April 12th. The Foreign Ministry recalls that the Italian embassy in Sana’a has for a long time (since 2015) suspended its activities and it is therefore no longer possible to provide consular assistance to those traveling to Yemen.

Photo source: ANSA

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