Italy 24 Press News

May to childhood Campania at the Teatro dei Piccoli

The 9th edition of the continues until May 23rd May to childhood Campania: the theater review made by the school scheduled at the Teatro dei Piccoli in Naples. For over 3 weeks the event will stage in front of an audience of families and schools the 45 new shows created by 900 students from 10 schools between Naples, Pozzuoli and Salerno as part of the award-winning THEATER SCUOLA VEDERE FARE (TSVF) project created from Casa del Contemporaneo with Le Nuvole di Napoli and the collaboration of AGITA.

This is what it is: a project lasting an entire school year on doing and seeing theater aimed at the new generations, through the involvement of the class group, of which the teacher is an integral part together with the students, in which the girls and boys , girls and boys, can find familiar and suitable tools with which to express their poetics in the performing arts. In the 11 days of programming, theatrical performances in the morning, from 11 am, and in the afternoon, from 4 pm.

“With TSVF the theater integrates the scholastic experience with its own creative modality and is positioned alongside the curricular and teaching paths, responding to the need of the theater which is that of doing, seeing and reflecting on it, finding the key to good succeeded in the moment of the meeting intended as an opportunity for dialogue and emotional recovery” – reports Morena Pauro of Casa del Contemporaneo, creator of the project already awarded the Eolo Award in 2020, in a note and continues “MAGGIO ALL’INFANZIA is the moment final in which the new generations tell their story. Those who participated not only learned to discover enchanted worlds and to weave deep bonds with the most authentic emotions, but also to read between the lines of life itself, the everyday life of a gesture of friendship, solidarity, peace”.

THE REVIEW: the program of shows

There were deliberately few props on stage to leave room solely for the emotions and the many themes that the students chose to address in their performances. From the comparison with natural elements to the importance of the practice of fantasy to the many reflections on freedom: that achieved every day by acquiring awareness of others and the world and that denied to entire populations or categories of people. Some rewritings of great classics, or rather free adaptations, such as those from Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Sophocles’ Antigone as well as the rediscovery of the faces of legendary characters such as Colapesce, the timeless Pulcinella or the unusual Hypatia. And again the theme of the journey: the one faced in class, during an entire cycle of studies, and the one that still needs to be done along the road that leads to “growing up”. Words, gestures and lots of music to experience feelings such as happiness, sweetness, anger, fear and define a language with which to communicate them because watching and participating in the theater is not just a pastime, but a path of discovery and growth that illuminates the journey towards knowledge.

TSVF: a project lasting an entire school year

In practice, each of the 49 participating classes, from nursery school to secondary school, attended 3 theatrical performances during the curricular time included in the YOUNG season of Casa del Contemporaneo at the Teatro dei Piccoli in Naples and at the Teatro Ghirelli in Salerno, accompanied by as many meetings to approach the vision, and created a workshop path at school in 5 meetings, supported by a multidisciplinary team of experts, in which all the constituent aspects of the final show of MAGGIO ALL’INFANZIA were planned and developed with the teachers.

Teacher training recognized by the Ministry of Education and Merit
For the success of the project, the active participation of the teaching staff was essential, 112 teachers in total in this edition, engaged in extracurricular hours in the free training course, recognized by the Ministry of Education and Merit, ALTRI SGUARDI. A special thank you also goes to the families, with whom the students also had privileged access to the shows scheduled, in the afternoon and evening hours, of the Passion, differences and other visions series always curated by Casa del Contemporaneo to allow them to enjoy aware theater in everyone’s daily life, overcoming economic or cultural barriers that sometimes limit access.

CONCLUSIONS: May at Childhood Campania/Puglia

MAY ALL’INFANZIA CAMPANIA is proposed simultaneously with the Festival of the same name for families, theatrical and cultural operators in Puglia, created by the non-profit SAT Foundation (Spettacolo Arte Territorio), now in its 27th edition.

Participation in the events is by reservation. Entrance €3. Organizational ticket office 08118903126 (weekdays 8.30am/3.30pm). The entire program is online in the event on the social pages @teatrolenuvole and @casadelcontemporaneo.

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