Italy 24 Press News

At the Empire of Marsala the tribute to Lucio Dalla by Lidia Schillaci with Women Orchestra, special guest Guenda Goria

The well-known performer and singer-songwriter Lidia Schillaci and all the women of “Futura”, the recital dedicated to Lucio Dalla, will be protagonists on the stage of the Teatro Impero in Marsala on Saturday 11 May at 9pm. Around twenty artists – including singers, conductors, musicians and choristers – will perform in a show in which the watchwords are energy and feeling, interiority. “When I created this recital – says Lidia Schillaci, also famous for having brilliantly attempted imitations of Tale e che show on Rai1 – I thought about the inner journey that everyone takes in their lives, men and women, that is, all human beings”.

“Through the sensitivity and feeling of Lucio Dalla, who wrote pieces of overwhelming depth and beauty, I therefore wanted to imagine an ideal path of reconnection with oneself, with one’s deepest intimate being. Here, this is Futura, women for Lucio”. The show also features, together with Lidia Schillaci, the protagonists Women Orchestra – the all-female Sicilian orchestra that is achieving one success after another at a national level – directed by Alessandra Pipitone and Lidia Schillaci’s charismatic pop band. Special guest of the evening will also be Guenda Goria, who will accompany the singer-songwriter on the piano in one of the proposed pieces.

The concert, one of a kind, has the ambition to offer the public a real experience – musical, but also beyond music – to tell the freedom of expression that Dalla has always wanted to tell through the fusion of different musical genres . This is how Dalla’s pop music merges with the sounds of the Women Orchestra in a show that has the expressive freedom typical of jazz inherent in it. Furthermore, there will be moments of improvisation in which the typical scat of the Bolognese singer-songwriter will also be featured. “Futura, donne per Lucio” saw its debut last summer in Castellammare del Golfo, then achieved success with the public and sold out throughout the entire tour among the squares and theaters in Sicily and elsewhere.

Fifteen songs by the Bolognese artist will be offered to the public. Lidia Schillaci worked on the new arrangements, aimed at enhancing the beauty of Lucio’s songs, together with renowned maestros: Fabrizio Lamberti for the pop part, and Valter Sivilotti for the symphonic part, assisted by Daniele Russo and Salvatore Sabatino . “We couldn’t wait to start again this journey into the beauty of music which inevitably leads us to look inside ourselves, into the depths of the human soul – comments the Director of the Women Orchestra – all ready to give our art to the public without sparing ourselves”. The concert will also be attended by students from the Pascasino High School in Marsala, who had the opportunity to meet Lidia Schillaci last Tuesday 30 April, during a meeting organized by the school. The production of the show is entrusted to ASC Production and Quintosol Production, the entire project is sponsored by Seed, a leading company in the electricity sector in the field of environmental sustainability.

Info and tickets: I Viaggi dello Stagnone, via dei Mille 45, Marsala, 0923- 956105

Purchase tickets online:–donne-per-lucio

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