Italy 24 Press News

Changes to the road system in Alessandria due to infrastructure works. Alexandria today

The Municipality of Alessandria has announced a series of temporary road measures to facilitate the excavation and laying of optical fiber works, which will take place in specific areas of the city in the period between 4 and 10 May 2024. These interventions, which mainly concern Spalto Briamo and Corso Felice Cavallotti are fundamental for improving the city’s telecommunications infrastructure.

Details of the Measures on Spalto Bregola and Corso Felice Cavallotti: Following the extension of Temporary Ordinance n.294 of 21 April 2024, a parking ban will be established with forced removal and a narrowing of the carriageway on Corso Felice Cavallotti, western half-lane, in the section between the intersection with the Corso Crimea roundabout and the crossing of Spalto Bregola. Similarly, restrictions are also foreseen in the South-West half-lane of Spalto Bregola. During working hours, from 8:00 to 17:00, only authorized vehicles will be able to access the areas affected by the works.

Pedestrian closure in Via dei Musicisti: For safety reasons, it was necessary to close the pedestrian crossing in Via dei Musicisti (formerly known as Via San Dalmazzo) from 7 to 9 May. The ban on pedestrian transit is valid in the stretch between Via Dante and Via Ghilini, to allow the installation of anti-fall parapets along the perimeter of the roof of the Dante Condominium.

Transit interruption in Via Bergamo: Another significant change will concern Via Bergamo, where on 8 May, from 8:00 to 18:00, transit will be prohibited to allow the replacement of the windows of a building through the use of a truck-crane. The section affected will be the one between Via Trotti and Corso Roma.

These road changes are essential to ensure safety and efficiency during infrastructure improvement works. The Municipality of Alessandria apologizes for any inconvenience and invites citizens to plan their travel taking into account the temporary restrictions. It is recommended to follow the road signs and respect the instructions provided to minimize negative impacts on daily traffic.

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