Italy 24 Press News

NO to the national radioactive waste repository: demonstration in Trapani this morning

Published May 2, 2024 • Environment

After the demonstration in Calatafimi-Segesta last 7 April and that in Fulgatore on 28 April to say NO to the National Radioactive Waste Repository, this morning, in Trapani, in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, the mayors and representatives of the productive and social world of the territory provincial meeting met the students “to invite them to take the field and be vigilant to protect their future and our territory”.

«We participated with conviction, as representatives of the Municipalities of the province of Trapani, to reiterate once again our firm and clear no to the creation of a national radioactive waste repository in the sites of Fulgatore and Calatafimi Segesta – comments the mayor, Daniela Toscano. The young people listened carefully to the words of the mayors and those who spoke, testifying to the fact that this topic is of absolute and common public interest, and therefore does not concern either a portion of our province, nor a segment of the population. We will continue to work so that our NO is recognized not so much as a stance, but as a voice for the protection of a territory, its ecosystem, landscapes, its tourist vocation, agriculture and the economy in general. We ask that regional and national politics, and those who intend to run to govern Europe, become spokespersons for the cry of alarm and concern that we are launching on behalf of over 430,000 women and men in the province of Trapani, so that Fulgatore and Calatafimi Segesta are excluded from the list of sites that SOGIN has deemed suitable for the storage of waste. Our territories are nobody’s dump».

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