Italy 24 Press News

Celle San Vito, in the smallest town in Puglia, grandmother Cristina turns 100. Mayor: «Never happened before»

CELLE SAN VITO – A centenarian in the smallest town in Puglia. In Celle San Vito, in the province of Foggia, 145 inhabitants celebrated the 100th birthday of Maria Cristina Marella, known to all as grandmother Cristina. Next to her centenary grandmother was the mayor Palma Maria Giannini who gave her a paperweight with the coat of arms of the Municipality. «It was a truly special day for me – declared the mayor – because I would never have imagined as mayor that I would be celebrating a centenary. In my heart I always hoped that one day it would happen and now, finally, it has happened after 15 years of administrative service.” «It is absolutely the first centenary in the history of the small town», she highlights.

Three children, six grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren. You lived through the years of the Second World War, knowing the suffering and the great changes. His working life was marked by toil in the fields, to contribute with great commitment to the family economy. Today the love and care of her loved ones restore the sacrifices she made.
«Grandma Cristina represents a precious heritage of traditions, cultural and civil values ​​which not only are the basis of our community but today inspire young people and adults – concludes the mayor – our centenarian is an example of strength, wisdom and love».

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