Italy 24 Press News

Capelletti: “The Apic affair of 15 years ago is not a feather in the cap for the Democratic Party”

A back-and-forth on what was done and not done in previous administrative mandates, the one underway between Roberto Galletti, city secretary of the Democratic Party and Chiara Capelletti, candidate for the Fratelli d’Italia in the administrative elections, former councilor in the Salini provincial council between 2009 and 2014. The so-called little things are the ones that require the greatest attention. Even the mayoral candidate Andrea Virgilio recognizes the importance of the topic”, admitting it at the beginning and presentation of his candidacy. However, the topic slipped away with the same snobbery with which the center-left has always treated citizens’ requests”, he had declared Capelletti.

“It doesn’t surprise me that you are the spokesperson for the feeling of resignation,” the answer of Galletti. “When you, councilor for culture, governed the provincial territory with the Salini council, in the name of a contingent need, you supported the sale of the province’s real estate assets to the benefit of a private fund. This is to the detriment of a public body (the Provincial Administration) and of our city, which lost the opportunity to enhance that heritage to relaunch some sectors such as that of the former monasteries”.

Now the FDI exponent’s rejoinder: “The outgoing administration has chosen to deal exclusively with large strategic projects ‘to be grounded’, reducing the requests to pay some attention to the daily life of the Cremonese to matters of secondary importance. Obviously, always first, they promise that they will take care of it (as they promised to turn off the incinerator in two electoral campaigns).

Obviously, always first, they promise that they will take care of it (as they promised to turn off the incinerator in two electoral campaigns)”.

Then Capelletti returns to his past in the provincial administration: “I am that provincial councilor for culture who had to deal with the Apic affair (Association for the promotion of cultural initiatives, it was the cultural arm of the provincial administration overwhelmed by a verified debt of three million euros towards suppliers and creditors, and another three million in bad debts) not exactly a feather in the cap for the outgoing PD council .

I am that councilor who did not hold back, saving the ‘Cultural District of the Province of Cremona’ project which risked falling apart due to the damaged credibility of the Province of Cremona precisely due to the Apic affair; that project, which I revised, obtained funding of 10 million euros from the Cariplo Foundation tender.

“I would like to point out to Galletti that having lambition to give concrete answers to repeated requests for intervention and attention to degradation and neglect – thus marking a clear difference in government approach – already means having a defined plan, a clear idea of ​​what city we want to live in. And this would not make us inadequate administrators, on the contrary!”.

“Certainly – continues Capelletti – in addition to this we also have other ambitions for the rebirth and relaunch of Cremona. For example, we are going to address the situation in via Giordano which requires redevelopment not only of roads, but also of urban planning and landscaping; we intend to get to grips with the topic of stop, re-proposing the single managerwhich is one of the many promises never kept by the current administration, facing the convention for theparking garage in Piazza Marconi; we intend to theme i neighborhoodsnot just the center, which are places where a real presence of the local police force is needed.

“Then the questions of traffic of via Ghinaglia and the relaunch of the Fair Authority; the brand of “Cremona city of music” must be relaunched and filled with content that can also be contemplated more popular and less elite events, identifying an adequate logistical location that is attractive and respectful for everyone. Furthermore, in terms of strategy, Cremona needs to redefine a strong identity by acquiring greater awareness of its value, finding administrators no longer self-referential and with a limited vision, but who have the strength to go beyond municipal boundaries in search of opportunities for the city and its territory.

“I could go on for hours, listing suspended issues or, worse, relegated to a corner because they are inconvenient. Galletti will soon be satisfied, don’t be too impatient, he will find the answers he seeks in the program.

“One thing is certain – is the conclusion – the difference in the method and approach of the centre-right government will be different, decidedly alternative. The people of Cremona will find administrators open to listening and dialogue (elements missing in recent years and replaced by arrogance), who will have the firmness to make decisions without having the fear of explaining them”.

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