Italy 24 Press News

25 April, CGIL Savona: “Liberation Day is not a divisive anniversary. We fight against indifference and inequalities”

Savona. “The initiatives that will take place on April 25th and in the days preceding it, here in Savona, but in many other parts of the country, mean defending and giving quality to our democracy. We must remember what April 25th represents for our country: Liberation of Italy from Nazi-fascist occupation. It is necessary to reaffirm with greater force the ideal and cultural value of article 11 of the Constitution which states: “Italy repudiates war as an instrument of offense against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of resolving international disputes”.
We remember the resistance of labour, of workers, who with the strikes between 1943 and 1944, especially those of 1 March 1944, which involved thousands of workers in the Savonese area from the coast to the Valbormidese hinterland – Piaggio, Brown Boveri, Scarpa and Magnano, Ilva and many others contributed to the liberation of our country while many of them paid for their political and civil commitment with deportation, and many never returned to their families”. CGIL Savona says so.

“April 25th is the holiday of all Italians and all Italians. Nobody excluded. Too often we hear political propaganda statements that speak of Liberation Day as a divisive occasion. There is nothing more wrong. The Constitution was born from the Resistance, the ethical and historical foundation of the State in which we live, of the Republic, of democracy in Italy. April 25th must strengthen in each of us the ideals of democracy and freedom, as well as a profound anti-fascism, against the feelings of hatred, violence, racism and intolerance which contaminated Italy for twenty years and which now not only resurface but manifest themselves openly with arrogance and arrogance. Unconstitutional, divisive feelings, against which we fight daily, even as a trade union, so that any fascist resurgence is eliminated. Today Resistance means the fight against indifference, the fight against inequalities that continue to increase. It means at least for us, for the CGIL, more public health, more public schools, the right to work, the right to a safer, better paid and less precarious job. But above all it means peace.”

“A few weeks ago our Chamber of Labor of Savona celebrated its 123rd anniversary 7 April 1901 / 7 April 2024 – we are among the longest-lived organizations in this country, precisely because we make Confederality one of the founding values, because we are convinced that no one saves themselves even more so in a dramatic moment like this. This year too, the CGIL of Savona is involved in numerous initiatives to celebrate April 25th, together with the Democratic and Anti-Fascist Associations of the area, the torchlight procession and the procession of April 24th in Savona, on April 25th at the Priamar “R-Esiste” organized from the Anpi of Sv and a photographic exhibition which will be held at the Commissioner’s Palace from 25 April to 30 April, and in the many squares throughout the Province for various official speeches – Spotorno, Noli, Borghetto”.


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