Messaggero Veneto, Gino Pozzo: “I’ll tell you about the future”

Messaggero Veneto, Gino Pozzo: “I’ll tell you about the future”
Messaggero Veneto, Gino Pozzo: “I’ll tell you about the future”


Gino Pozzo he decided that it was time to show his face and he did it in an interview with Venetian Messengerwhich he prefaces with: “It’s true, I don’t talk much. Because I’m someone who doesn’t like proclamations. But I don’t hide: the last championship was disappointing and we made a lot of mistakes. I, for one,“. The interview has a particular location: one of the Sky boxes in the stadium. He talks about everything, starting from the hard-fought salvation in Frosinone: “During the last months of the championship I often stayed here, next to the team. But I realized I was almost helpless: I couldn’t make an impact, a clear sign that the mistake was made earlier. We hadn’t managed to transform a group into a team. I saw players who were sometimes disoriented. Other times not inserted into our context. It mustn’t happen again. In the final we were good at finding points of reference, Cannavaro was clever there and I really appreciated the unity that was created in those days. The atmosphere. All the fans”.
Fans who see him as the main cause of the trend of recent years. Gino Pozzo responds that the criticisms are right, admitting that he has been wrong lately and goes further: “You know what I say? That too much time has passed since the last European participation, that we have had too many “year zeros”.
Udinese could have been Atalanta: the Friulian club was the first to trace the path of valorizing talents, but then it got lost. The point is that football has changed. Regarding the rumors about possible foreign capital investments, as happens to several Serie A clubs, he explains that these rumors are often unfounded and reiterates that “this company can go on with its own legs“. And he concludes: “I work to satisfy my father, a great fan, my family and our people. Because Udinese is linked to Friuli. I would like ambition, quality football concepts, work and respect for the shirt. So I made a choice of discontinuity: Runjaic is a coach who can give us a different imprint, more European, less cautious. I’m tired of seeing Udinese defend with 5 and unable to keep possession of the ball. We will choose players for this philosophy. Then if I make a mistake you will criticize me“.

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