Cia Cuneo: “The 2023 activity closes with a positive balance, an important result”

Cia Cuneo: “The 2023 activity closes with a positive balance, an important result”
Cia Cuneo: “The 2023 activity closes with a positive balance, an important result”

In Canale, on the premises of the Malvirà company and the Villa Tiboldi farmhouse of the Damonte family, the management assembly of the provincial Cia of Cuneo took place. The Report and the 2023 Budget were approved unanimously. The meeting, coordinated by the president and director of the agricultural organization of the “Granda”, Claudio Conterno and Igor Varrone, was attended by the national leaders of Cia, with the president, Cristiano Fini, the vice president, Gianmichele Passarini, the director, Maurizio Scaccia, and the chief of staff, Gianni Razzano. Then, the president and director of Cia Piemonte, Gabriele Carenini and Giovanni Cardone participated. In addition, the Councilor for Agriculture, Paolo Bongioanni, brought greetings from the newly installed Regional Council. The provincial director, Varrone, says: “For Cia Cuneo, 2023 was a positive year. We have had a growing total turnover in terms of the value of the services offered in all sectors. An important result, given the difficulties that the sector has had and must continue to face”.

What paths have you focused on? “Implementing the political-union guidelines indicated by the Board of Directors and to address the economic and social context that has gradually emerged during the year, we have decided to operate on multiple fronts. In addition to confirming the ordinary services reserved for companies at the tax, employee contract and contribution levels, consultancy services have been expanded. Assisting companies in the procedures for obtaining production certifications and for accessing subsidized financing: this latter intervention facilitates investment planning through the procurement of resources at advantageous conditions”.

Other projects? “We have increased agronomic and phytosanitary technical assistance with the aim of improving crop health and agricultural productivity, implementing sustainable practices. Therefore, training has been encouraged, which aims to provide, mainly to members, all the knowledge and skills to have a company management in step with the times”.

The 2024 prospects for Cia Cuneo? “Continue the path undertaken, further improving the offer of services and investing in employees because people make the difference in the relationship with companies. A path that rewards: in fact, since the beginning of the year we have had an increase in members”.

Who leads the provincial CIA operations team?

Director: Igor Varrone. Deputy Director and Payroll Manager: Filomena Sammarco. Deputy Director and Caf Manager: Daniela Destefanis. Deputy Director and Technical Manager: Silvio Chionetti. Field Technicians Manager: Maurizio Ribotta. Tax Managers: Annamaria Macchiorlatti and Sara Cagnazzi. Inac Manager: Lorena Casagranda. Subsidized Finance Technical Managers: Giovanni Costamagna and Pietro Busso. Training Manager: Martina Marcomini. Graphics and Communications Manager: Roberta Serasso.

The 2023 of companies

The balance of the 2023 season for companies? Varrone replies: “Leaving aside those who produce renowned excellences that have their own market and are usually less affected by crises, in general, even if some sectors were saved, we have not had a positive year. The drought, the always too high production costs and the low selling price paid by the markets have reduced profit margins to the bone. Indeed, in some cases for farmers the work has been at a loss”.

The outlook for 2024? “The season did not start well and will be complicated again. We probably will not have a lack of water, but the heavy rains have caused other problems for production activity. Climate change continues to be felt and in many ways impossible to predict. Agriculture is in difficulty for the fourth consecutive year and the institutions should reflect on the fact that urgent and adequate measures are needed to help the sector. Otherwise, companies will be forced to close”.

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