the new campaign in defense of fresh milk

the new campaign in defense of fresh milk
the new campaign in defense of fresh milk

It is a quality product and zero kilometer whose consumption helps local companies. These are some of the reasons that pushed the Lazio region, in collaboration with Arsial, to launch a new campaign.

Choose well, drink well

With the claim “Fresh milk from Lazio. Choose well, drink good” the initiatives that, in terms of communication, aim to encourage the purchase of the precious drink have started. The campaign in fact intends to raise public awareness and local consumers on the qualities of regional cow’s milk, a guarantee of freshness and sustainability.

“The objective of this communication campaign – explained the councilor for agriculture Giancarlo Righini – is twofold: to encourage the consumption of fresh milk from the Region, a unique and irreplaceable excellence, and to support the breeders who represent a guarantee in terms of quality and sustainability. The regional administration, also thanks to the sensitivity of President Rocca, has always shown particular attention towards the agricultural production method which now represents an extraordinary driving force also from an economic point of view. From this perspective, promoting fresh milk from Lazio means investing in the growth of the entire regional territory”.

The campaign, created with the scientific contribution of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale, will be broadcast in newspapers, institutional social profiles, radio, public transport and websites. On the official page of the campaign,, detailed information is available on the benefits of fresh milk and on the initiatives related to the project, including the call for proposals for commercial activities, to encourage the sale and use of fresh milk produced in the area.

A quality product at zero km

“Supporting Lazio milk – is the comment of the extraordinary commissioner of Arsial Massimiliano Raffa – means directly supporting the territory and guaranteeing consumers a high-quality, healthy and ‘km 0’ product”. The aim of the synergy activated between the region and Arsial is to revive the consumption of fresh regional milk, which has been declining since the Covid-19 pandemic, raising awareness among consumers about the quality of our milk and its importance for the local economy. “Only through conscious and collective action can we preserve our dairy tradition, favoring a short supply chain that enhances local producers and ensures maximum freshness of the product – Raffa recalled – Preferring fresh milk from Lazio can be a choice of taste, but also a concrete gesture to support our territory and its excellence”.

The communication campaign follows the publication of the “Fresco Lazio” call, the regional measure that provides a non-repayable contribution to commercial activities such as bars, restaurants, hotels, ice cream parlors, catering, supermarkets and hypermarkets, for a total of 21 Ateco codes involved, as a reimbursement equal to 50% of the expenditure incurred for the purchase of fresh cow’s milk from Lazio. The contribution varies from a minimum of 500 euros, for an eligible expenditure of at least 1,000 euros, to a maximum of 5,000 euros, for an eligible expenditure of no less than 10,000 euros. The call has been open since last June 18 and the financial endowment amounts to 3,000,000 euros, payable until exhaustion.

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