Gradual protection, new Hera counter

Gradual protection, new Hera counter
Gradual protection, new Hera counter

The Hera customer service desk was inaugurated yesterday morning in Piazzale Kennedy, the multi-utility that, starting from July 1st, officially became the new electricity supplier for the approximately twenty-three thousand families in La Spezia who did not choose free market offers. “The space dedicated to the public that we are inaugurating this morning – underlined Hera CEO Isabella Malagoli – is intended to be a response to the needs of an increasingly numerous clientele. People will be able to come here to ask for clarifications of any kind. In particular, we are able to offer a free consultancy service to delve into the needs of each person and best guide them to reduce their consumption and undertake their path towards energy transition”. The multi-utility with a majority public capital, which already serves approximately 4.2 million citizens distributed in over 310 Italian municipalities, has expanded its operations to Liguria thanks to the awarding of the tender called by the single buyer for the electricity supply of non-vulnerable customers served until June 30th by the majority protection in 37 Italian provinces and metropolitan cities, including, in addition to La Spezia, also Genoa. “Change can sometimes be scary – continues Isabella Malagoli – but in this case there is nothing to fear. The transition occurred automatically, therefore without the need to sign a new contract and without any burden for citizens. Thanks to this automation, which also involved any bank domiciliations, continuity of electricity supply was guaranteed to everyone. We are of course available for any clarification”. The Hera counter in La Spezia will be open from Monday to Friday from 9 to 13 and from 14:30 to 18.


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