ASP Searches Properties for Medical Guards and Family Counseling Centers

ASP Searches Properties for Medical Guards and Family Counseling Centers
ASP Searches Properties for Medical Guards and Family Counseling Centers

The Provincial Health Authority (ASP) of Agrigento is looking for properties to rent for a period of six years, intended to become medical emergency and family counseling centers in various municipalities of the province.

Interested Locations and Requirements

The properties sought are located in the municipalities of Giardina Gallotti, Castrofilippo, Comitini, Lucca Sicula, Villafranca Sicula, dedicated to continuity of care services, and Raffadali and San Biagio Platani for family counseling centers. The ASP does not have any facilities of its own in these areas, hence the need to rent adequate premises.

Selection Procedure

The ASP Economic-Financial and Asset Service has launched a public tender procedure to find suitable spaces. Interested parties can find the complete notice with technical specifications on the official ASP Agrigento website in the section “Transparent administration – tender notices and contracts”. For more information, you can directly access the link provided or contact the competent ASP offices.

Required features

To be considered suitable, the properties must be easily accessible to users, reachable by any means and close to sufficient parking spaces. It is essential that the premises comply with safety standards, have no architectural barriers, are adequately air-conditioned and are located on the ground floor. The minimum surface area required is 60 square meters for medical services and 80 square meters for consulting rooms.

Deadline for Offers

Offers must be submitted by 10am on 27 August 2024, ensuring interested parties have sufficient time to evaluate available properties and prepare the necessary documentation.

Importance of the Initiative

This initiative is part of the efforts of the Agrigento ASP to improve the accessibility and quality of health services offered to the citizens of the province, strengthening the health care system through adequately equipped and strategically located facilities.

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