Attilio Collini, the pioneer of bathing establishments, has died – Pescara

Attilio Collini, the pioneer of bathing establishments, has died – Pescara
Attilio Collini, the pioneer of bathing establishments, has died – Pescara

PESCARA. A day of mourning for the entire Pescara bathing establishment sector. A master for many Pescara sea and restaurant operators. He died yesterday Attilio Colliniknown by all as “Cucumber”, owner of the Mila establishment. «He was not only a teacher for me, but much more», said the president of Sib Abruzzo, moved, Richard Paduangiving the news of Collini’s death at the age of 88.
Over half a century of life spent for the sea of ​​Pescara from his business, the Mila establishment, on the southern seafront of the city, and previously from the Croce del Sud, where he saw entire generations of Pescara residents grow up.
“When I was a boy he taught me to work in the kitchen at the La Murena restaurant,” Padovano recalls, “He taught me how to cook fish. And how did he do it? Using his smile, his kindness and his sincerity. Attilio Collini was an institution for the Pescara beach resort owners. Everyone knew him and appreciated his qualities and his great abilities. Attilio also managed the Croce del Sud in Pescara for over twenty years. There is not a professional from Pescara, there is not a citizen of Pescara who has not known Collini. He invented the legendary beach volleyball challenge between Croce del Sud and 4 Vele. Attilio Collini legitimized the typicalities of our seafood cuisine. He taught us so much. He was a master, but always with a smile on his face. Always close to his family, always close to his work, always alongside his beloved sea. Attilio, after many years at Croce del Sud», continues Padovano, «opened other businesses between Pescara and Francavilla. Then the creation of what is still the Attilio-Mila restaurant today. His creation, the thing he lived for. It is a day of pain, of great pain because the city of Pescara loses a great person».
Last year he was awarded as dean of the Sib: “He was moved. The Collini family, originally from the Pescara navy, represents an institution for the entire navy. When Attilio entered our kitchens he would shout Tarzan. He made us smile with his kindness. I met him two weeks ago in his factory. With his memory and his teachings, we will try to continue our activities. Goodbye Attilio”.
Last year, at the end of the summer season, Attilio Collini received recognition from the Italian beach workers’ union for over 60 years of activity. Sib Abruzzo, chaired by Riccardo Padovano, awarded him with a parchment for decades of beach activity in Pescara.
The funeral of Attilio Collini will be held today, at 4:30 pm, in the church of Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo Crocifisso, leaving early from the De Florentiis funeral home, in via delle Gualchiere, in Città Sant’Angelo.

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