A call for proposals to build five more caliscendi – Teramo

A call for proposals to build five more caliscendi – Teramo
A call for proposals to build five more caliscendi – Teramo

GIULIANOVA. The Abruzzo Region has published five new tenders for five new caliiscendi to be built on the southern pier of the port of Giulianova. Anyone can participate in the tender, which expires on July 12. Of these five caliiscendi, one will be located west of the first and the other four immediately after the curve of the southern pier. The award procedure could last several months because dozens of applications are expected. In 2017, concessions had already been issued for three new caliiscendi, one west of the first caliiscendi, another immediately after the curve of the southern pier, and the last near the red lighthouse. In total, eight will be built, two of which will be west of the first caliiscendi and six after the curve of the pier.
At the same time, the Region continues to push forward two bills, one regional and one national, to have the caliscendi recognized as historical structures, and therefore extrapolate them from the discussion of the Bolkestein directive. The caliscendi, in fact, are wooden structures intended for small-scale fishing, but also traditional meeting places that, from the rocks, jut out into the sea. Over the years, however, the same caliscendi have been at the center of a long legal dispute, first on demolition and then on their concession, which has inflamed the political debate. In 2014, the then Mastromauro municipal council approved the census and cataloging of the “pier trabocchi”, which reconstructed a presence of 21 structures of this type on the arm of the southern Giuliese pier prior to 1988; of these, 12 had been demolished.
In recent years there has been a revaluation of the caliscendi, refurbished by various owners, and for two years now, in the summer, the event “Calistelle” has taken place. Every Thursday, from 7:30 p.m., citizens and tourists have the opportunity to taste wines and typical products thanks to the presence of local wineries and restaurateurs from Giulianova. It is a popular event and also a way to introduce tourists to the southern pier of the port: it is the historic pier of the port of Giulianova, which will be strengthened in the coming years.(l.v.)

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