Umbria, ‘Suoni Controvento’ the itinerant and sustainable festival

Umbria, ‘Suoni Controvento’ the itinerant and sustainable festival
Umbria, ‘Suoni Controvento’ the itinerant and sustainable festival

The Umbria festival returns with its eighth edition. Suggestive locations become the protagonists of the events and accompany and encourage a shared dialogue between artists and the public. The artistic director of ‘Suoni Controvento’ Gianluca Liberali intervened in the studios of Teleambiente in Perugia

Umbria ‘green’ in the heart of Italy, but also in theanima with the summer performing arts festival Sounds Against the Wind, promoted by Umbrian Association of Song and Author’s Musicwith the support of the Ministry of Culture, Umbria Region, Perugia Foundation and Savings Bank Foundation of Terni and Narni, which returns again this year and cuts the ribbon of the eighth edition.

The program will be long and rich and will be divided into musica with concerts at high altitude, in the valley and in the suggestive corners scattered inside and outside the characteristic villages of the region, theatre, danza, gaming for adults and children, without forgetting the literary walks with ‘Books on the move’ and the ‘evening discoveries in Umbria’ with itineraries immersed in a nature uncontaminated and rich in panoramas noteworthy.

All this on the edge of respect for theenvironment and of sustainability.

Over 30 events until September, in many locations in Umbria with 20 municipalities involved.

In the studies of Teleambient we hosted the artistic director of Suoni Controvento, Gianluca Liberali

“This magicGianluca Liberali saidevery year it is repeated in our territories, it is the festival that geographically involves more places in our region. We are very happy because also this year we have managed to put together many high quality events in the most enchanting and suggestive places of the’Umbria”.

“Music, theatre and more events remembered Gianluca Liberalibecause this year there is also a beautiful collaboration with the Rai which will create thematic panels that will also broaden the cultural offering and the types of events”.

This festival allows you to follow events in unusual places, places that are not used to hosting big tours.
Sounds Against the Wind over the years it has brought great artists such as Fiorella Mannoia, Daniel SilvestriLevante, Manu Chao, in corners that they would never have chosen to hold a concert.

“This –explained Gianluca Liberali is precisely the design theme of the festival. We mainly intercept natural spaces, in parks, let’s enhance the entire ‘parks system’ within rules, regulations and times that allow us to be in certain places, at specific times of the year”.

“This year for examplehe added – we do Daniel Silvestri in Val Sorda and then many concerts at high altitude, then there will be the Nera River Park, the village of Stifone in Narni. We also have literary appointments with certain writers who set out on a journey along the paths dell’Umbria. We go to visit various places where walking is one of the fundamental elements”.

In addition to natural spaces, there are also places to rediscover, which often, not even the Umbrians themselves know about.

“There are incredible, beautiful spaces to see, listen to and rediscover. Many people Gianluca Liberali underlined – ‘they use’ Sounds Against the Wind to visit theUmbriafollowing the program of the various events. We also greatly value cultural and architectural spaces, not only natural ones”.

Environmentally friendly festival

Thanks also to the partnership with Creative Farm e Aftertaste, the festival follows the certification path of the carbon footprint, which allows you to calculate your overall carbon footprint and then offset the emissions CO2 through the use of certified blockchain impact credits generated by Regusto.

An idea to educate and promote the sustainability, the reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide and of the gas climalteranti.

Thanks to the use of a specially chosen technical set-up, the events are created in such a way as to enhance and never deface the venue in the slightest. host location, protecting it in every possible detail.

Another aim of the festival is the search for clean energy which led to a collaboration between a major player in the sector, the Hera Group, which has always been attentive to sustainability,circular economy e all’innovation.

The locations of the festival

AssisiCampello sul Clitunno, Corciano (new entry for this 2024), Costacciaro, Fossato di Vico, Gualdo Tadino, Gubbio, Montefalco, NarniNorcia, Pietralunga, San Gemini, San Venanzo, Scheggia and Pascelupo, Sigillo, Spello, Spoleto, Stroncone, Terni e Trevi these are the 20 municipalities that will be contaminated by the Umbria festival.

The complete program of Suoni Controvento is available on the website

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