Aldo, struck down by illness at 50 Friends’ fundraiser for the family

In a few seconds, a family’s life changed, a nightmare began. Aldo Brunelli passed away at the age of 50 last Friday. The routine of the three children, all three students, becomes complex at a time when one lives an incredible pain.

Aldo, on Friday, was at work in a dental office in Ballabio like every day, when he suddenly collapsed to the ground, help arrived very quickly but there was nothing that could be done for the man, due to a cerebral hemorrhage he fell into an irreversible coma.

He lived in Arcellasco

Yesterday Aldo donated his organs and the date and time of his funeral should be decided soon. The family lives in the Arcellasco district of Erba and his friends have started a fundraiser on GoFundMe to support him. In just a few hours, 4,500 euros have already been collected. A great demonstration of affection for Aldo, well known for his beautiful family, for his work but also for being a hunter and fisherman.

The family is currently devastated by what happened, there is not much desire to comment, but they still want to remember: “Aldo worked in a dentist’s office and before the cerebral hemorrhage on Friday he had not had any particular health problems. He was an organ donor, so yesterday the organs were removed and now the date of the funeral should be decided”.

Looking for help

The friends decided to create this fundraiser, the initiative was welcomed by the teacher of one of the children who organized it on GoFoundMe, whoever wants to can join can search: “A future for Alessandro, Marco and Francesca Brunelli”.

Even regarding the funeral, the family’s instructions are not to send flowers, but rather donations.

Aldo’s three children are Alessandro, a twenty-two year old university student, Marco, a sixteen year old in his third year of accounting at the Romagnosi Institute in Erba, and Francesca, a ten year old who finished fifth grade in Arcellasco.

The photo of the happy family at their daughter’s first communion – only in May of this year – that you see on this page, was used for the fundraiser and is a painful memory. The wife Greta Frigerio47 years old and now alone to support the family.

“Aldo was a very affectionate father, he shared with his children his passion for hunting and fishing – the family continues -. The tragedy fell upon us suddenly, we did not even have time to realize what was happening. In the past Aldo had not given any warning signs of health problems”. It is still difficult to understand what happened: “During his work in Ballabio, in an instant everything changed for us, and the nightmare began. Now we are proceeding with the donation of the organs of a healthy man who will surely give life to many sick people”. This choice of Aldo is a faint ray of sunshine in a hurricane of negative feelings.

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