Ravenna. Steals drugs from warehouse: 35-year-old warehouse worker arrested

The Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Ravenna has arrested in flagrante delicto a 35-year-old from Ravenna accused of aggravated theft, receiving stolen goods, unauthorized practice of medicine and supply of narcotic substances. The man, already burdened by an Oral Notice and a DASPO provision, employed as a warehouseman at a pharmaceutical warehouse in the capital city of Ravenna, since the beginning of 2024 has been the protagonist, within the workplace, of anomalous behaviors that have aroused the suspicion of the employers who, also taking into account the particular nature of the drugs stored in the warehousethey immediately turned to the investigators of the Provincial Command.

After the first immediate discussions with the Judicial Authority, a classic investigation activity (shadowing, observations) and a technical one (including several dedicated cameras to monitor the subject) were undertaken, which allowed to clarify numerous episodes in which the suspect stole products of various kinds from the pharmaceutical warehouse to then sell them to third parties. The type of stolen products also determined a differentiation of the various contested crime titles: with reference to the theft of over-the-counter products, the hypothesis of aggravated theft was identified, while for some particularly sensitive drugs (products containing hormones and similar) the hypothesis of the crime of transfer of narcotic substances was put forward – certain drugs being included in the ministerial table on narcotic substances – or of the unauthorized practice of the medical profession, in relation to the absence of medical prescriptions for other drugs first stolen and then transferred to third parties.

During the investigation, cases of thefts of small sums of money inside the changing room of the warehouse were also ascertained, as well as some transfers of doses of hashish to citizens of Ravenna by the arrested man, who was also investigated for fraud because he had unduly used, in more than 20 circumstances, meal vouchers provided by his employer.

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