Utea Courses: 2024/2025 will be full of new features

Utea Courses: 2024/2025 will be full of new features
Utea Courses: 2024/2025 will be full of new features

It was presented by the president Utea, Piergiorgio Bricchi, from the director Corsi, Francesca Ragusa and from the treasurer Angela Mottathe long-awaited «Utea Course Book» for the academic period 2024/2025, a year that promises to be full of news; there will be 204 courses scheduled: «Since Utea was born, it is the booklet with the most proposals ever, – comments Francesca Ragusa – with even three more towns (Tigliole, Tonco and Villadeati) that have requested to activate the lessons also in their municipality and with an implementation of evening courses such as smooth dancing, theater and some languages ​​so as to meet everyone’s needs».
Honoring their presence, thus underlining the importance of the event, the mayor Maurizio Rasero and the councilor of the Piedmont Region Marco Gabusi.
News and confirmations
So many new features but also many confirmations: «The collaboration with the order of architects continues – the course director informs – as well as with the Italian Association of Women Doctors who set up the medicine course and, for this, we thank the president Maria Gabriella Saracco, collaboration also confirmed with the Associazione Colline Astigiane, therefore cooking courses with culinary spots also in the context of other courses such as that of Edible Spontaneous Herbs».
Among the new features is the new and bright headquarters, «Terrazza 7» in via Maggiora 7, where numerous workshops and courses will be held, including those on Motor Activities for which a medical certificate is required: «in this regard – says Angela Motta – we have made an agreement with a doctor who on 2 and 11 July, from 10 to 17 will be present at “Terrazza 7” to draw up the certificates at a controlled price; on the same days – continues Motta – Utea will make a kinesiologist, Gabriele Penna, available free of charge to future members, who will be able to best advise members in choosing the motor activity best suited to their needs».
The conventions
The agreements with shops, commercial activities, pharmacies etc. in the area continue and are increasing, testifying to the great interest that the University of the Third Age of Asti is arousing; among the most important innovations, the collaboration with some schools in Asti, students from Artom have already participated, in the context of Alternanza scuola avoro, in the drafting of the booklet while from September students from Castigliano will take over: «It was a very formative experience, – Giulia, Sara and Luca, from Artom agree, thanking the tutor Marisa Oddone – through which we understood that to work well in an office you need collaboration, communication, efficiency and precision, it was a test that will remain impressed on us as a first work experience».
Open day and registrations
Among the new proposals are also Quantum Medicine, Tennis, Cutting and Sewing, Journey in Search of Unexpected Beauty, Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (these last three suggested by the Artom Institute).
On September 7th at “Terrazza 7” there will be an open day dedicated to the presentation of the courses that will start on October 7th; registrations will be made, in person (by appointment at 3451539922) from August 26th to September 13th, in online mode from August 26th to September 30th on www.utea.it where it is also possible to consult the course book.

A free subscription to La Nuova Provincia
Nuova Provincia and Utea confirm the alliance signed last year, with an important new addition.
Also this year La Nuova Provincia will tell in a dedicated page, the activity of Utea with news, information, services and photographs. But there is also a gift that we believe will be very welcome. Utea, in fact, has decided to give all its members the annual digital subscription to the Nuova Provincia. By accessing the browser with the credentials received by email, Utea members will be able to read the newspaper when and where they want, on a computer, tablet or mobile phone.
The promotion activated last year on the annual paper subscription is also confirmed: Utea members who subscribe to the newspaper for the first time will be able to take advantage of a special offer: 59 euros instead of 79. The agreement is valid for the entire academic year, that is, until June 2025.

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