Emiliano “The Puglia Region is the driving force of the digital revolution”

Emiliano “The Puglia Region is the driving force of the digital revolution”
Emiliano “The Puglia Region is the driving force of the digital revolution”

BARI (ITALPRESS) – The first meeting of the Puglia Network of Digital Transition Managers (RTD) took place at the Fiera del Levante in Bari, organized by the Puglia Region – Office for Digital Transition, together with the RTD Network of in-house and regional agencies. The day was opened by greetings from the President of the Puglia Region Michele Emiliano and the regional councilor for Economic Development Alessandro Delli Noci. “Until a few years ago – said President Emiliano – the Puglia Region did not have a tool for coordinating processes related to the digital transition. Then, through a resolution of the Council, we reorganized the entire service to start the creation of a single IT platform in which to put the Region, the Municipalities and all the connected bodies in dialogue. Today we have called together all the subjects of the Puglia Region interested in the digital transition to implement concrete coordination and to realize the innovations both from an organizational point of view and from the point of view of the IT tools necessary for networking the institutions and subjects that are the protagonists of this revolution. The Puglia Region is the engine of this revolution”. Councilor Delli Noci emphasized that “the Public Administration is changing and has identified the Digital Transition Managers as the agents of change. The entry of digital into the life of citizens and Public Administration has been all-encompassing and the Puglia Region wanted to build a network of people who share a vision and a strategy, but above all it wanted to start supporting them with an interaction between Government funds, Pnrr and the new POR, in order to create more and more services.

We will soon be working on the publication of a call for tenders for the Digital Archive to ensure that citizens have a real citizen file at their fingertips”. The morning was dedicated to a series of plenary meetings in which various issues of relevance for the RTDs were addressed, including the presentation of the Three-Year Plan, with interventions by the Agencies for Digital Italy (AgID), the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN), the Department for Digital Transformation (DTD) on digital sustainability and digital leadership, and a round table on the network of regional RTDs. In the afternoon, space was given to four thematic tables (open data, tools for Apulian municipalities, AI, sustainability), coordinated and facilitated by regional experts. “Today – said Cosimo Elefante, head of Digital Transition for the Puglia Region – was a moment of discussion between the RTDs of the Puglia Region. With this event, a process of sharing the digital transition within the regional territory began. The Region, together with the agencies, in-house, Municipalities and all the Public Administrations of the territory, has a series of digital transition objectives that must be achieved in the coming years. To do so, it is very important to create a synergy in the RTD network because a collaborative path is certainly simpler than a solitary path”. “Today’s meeting – said Morena Ragone, regional official in charge of specialized legal support for the transition to digital mode – was a fundamental step that we have worked on over the last two and a half years with Cosimo Elefante and the entire Digital Transition office which, little by little, has been strengthened. In all this time, we have organized a series of initiatives, both at territorial and national level. This is the first time that we have brought together the RTDs of the region: it is a starting point to begin coordinating our activities and take Puglia towards even more important goals”. “Today – added Sara La Bombarda, head of the Information System and Web Communication of ARTI Puglia – is a very important day. I am particularly happy because seeing my territory expressing such a large representation of RTDs gives great satisfaction. On this day, as ARTI, we have brought attention to the issues of digital sustainability, which is a strategic element for every RTD”. Bianca Bronzino, Innovation Manager of Pugliapromozione – AReT, finally underlined that “Pugliapromozione has recently introduced the Digital Community Pact for the sharing of digital services and tools of the regional tourist and cultural offer. Today is important because those responsible for the Digital Transition are often alone in their role. I therefore expect that from the meetings held today a real collaboration will arise as well as a digital one”. – photo press office of the Puglia Region – (ITALPRESS). vbo/com 02-Lug-24 20:17 .

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