Naples. Gratteri: “Thanks to wiretaps, a millionaire bunker was found”

Naples. Gratteri: “Thanks to wiretaps, a millionaire bunker was found”
Naples. Gratteri: “Thanks to wiretaps, a millionaire bunker was found”

“Thanks to the much-discussed wiretaps, with the skill of the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, they seized 48 watches worth 5 million euros and cash worth 4 million euros.” This was announced by the Naples prosecutor Nicola Gratteri during a press conference held the day after the inter-force operation on the Contini clan.
“All these collector’s watches – he added – some of inestimable value, I have never seen them. Some are unique pieces and we have asked experts to evaluate them”. According to what was reported, the watches and cash were found in a bunker discovered in a house searched yesterday.
The identification of the bunker and the break-in that allowed the discovery of the treasure consisting of luxury watches worth over 5 million euros, cash for 4 million and gold objects, including a gold lighter with the boss’s initials, dates back to yesterday evening. The Army also took part in the identification, with the Cacciatori di Calabria.

Yesterday’s operation in Naples “makes it clear that 41bis doesn’t work”. This was stated by the Naples prosecutor Nicola Gratteri during a press conference held the day after the inter-force operation on the Contini clan. The investigation revealed that the clan’s leaders were able to give orders from prison even though they were subjected to that prison regime. “We must ask ourselves who reduced 41bis to these conditions, with such loose meshes – said Gratteri according to whom this prison regime has undergone changes that have weakened it – There have been circulars, directives and changes over the years that have reduced it to these conditions”.

“It strikes us that despite being under 41bis, they continued to organize the clan and invest.” This was stated by the head of the Naples Flying Squad, Giovanni Leuci, during the press conference called by prosecutor Gratteri the day after the inter-force operation on the Contini clan.

The treasure found during the search carried out yesterday as part of the operation that allowed new charges to be served on top members of the Contini clan, including the boss Patrizio Bosti, is the result of “very advanced fraud and money laundering schemes that employed companies that were only active on paper and operated in various economic sectors, from waste to electronics”. This was underlined by Colonel Paolo Consiglio, commander of the economic-financial police unit of the Guardia di Finanza of Naples, during the press conference at the Public Prosecutor’s Office, called by Prosecutor Gratteri the day after the notifications of the four precautionary measures. “Two of the suspects hold top positions,” Consiglio explained, “the other two were at large”.

“In the counting of the bribes – added Leo – an excessive amount of cash emerged, more than 4 million euros and unbridled luxury watches that will be subjected to an appraisal to estimate their real value”. “Then there were also valuables – added Leo – like a 10-carat diamond. It is clear proof that this was the Epiphany of all the wiretaps listened to so far”.

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