La Cava Literary Award: the victory goes to Maria Grazia Calandrone

La Cava Literary Award: the victory goes to Maria Grazia Calandrone
La Cava Literary Award: the victory goes to Maria Grazia Calandrone

AND Where you didn’t take me Of Maria Grazia Calandrone the winning book of the VII edition of the Mario La Cava Literary Award. The Award is promoted and organized by the Municipality of Bovalino, in collaboration with the Literary Café “Mario La Cava”

The novel by the writer, published by Einaudi and proposed by the judge of the Gabriella Sica Prize, was preferred to the other two texts included in the tercet of the Prize: Villa of the seminary Of Sacha Naspini (and/or, proposed by Domenico Dara) and Recess is over Of Dario Ferrari (Sellerio, proposed by Caterina Verbaro). This last book was instead awardedThe Readers’ Award of the “Mario La Cava” Literary Café.

The jury – composed of Mimmo Gangemi, writer and journalist, Raffaele Nigro, writer and essayist, Gabriele Pedullà, writer and literary critic, Mirella Serri, essayist and journalist, Domenico Calabria, President of the Literary Café “Mario La Cava” – chose the winner announced during the awards ceremony held in Bovalino (RC) on Sunday 30 June.

As previously announced, the award was also presented on the same occasion “La Melagrana” Awardwent this year to Salvatore Silvano Nigrophilologist, literary critic, professor at the most important universities in the world, author of essays translated into various languages.

Photo Facebook page Literary Café Mario La Cava

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