events of the month of July –

July is a month of great celebrations and initiatives, with the procession of the Madonna del Carmine, the Illuminata, the feast of San Giacomo. We look forward to seeing you at the museum for many activities!

> July 6, 2024 | Let’s seal history | workshop for families with children aged 4 – 10

On the occasion of the MAB Museum – Archive – Library 2024 project, the diocese of Cuneo – Fossano proposes the event “Sealing history” for Saturday 6 July at 4 pm.

The event is dedicated to families with children between 4 and 10 years old, to experience the life, passions and work of medieval copyists. Not just an educational workshop, but a real journey, starting from the Castelmagno parchment, which will accompany families into a distant and fascinating world, with its rules and secrets. The event is organized in collaboration with the Fondazione Museo del Tesoro del Duomo e Archivio Capitolare di Vercelli, which will bring part of its activities and educational experiments to Cuneo. Families will be able to be led into the scriptorium of a medieval copyist to understand and play with the writing techniques of the past. Not only that, each family will have the opportunity to recreate their own seal, to leave their signature in history.

July 6 | 4:00 PM: Let’s seal history > Via Amedeo Rossi, 28 | Vescovado nuovo | Free activity for families with children from 4 to 10 years old with the participation of at least one adult

> July 22, 2024 | Presentation of the book by Antonio Perrellis “Me and 1176 km from Turin to Acri on foot”

The presentation is part of the celebrations in honor of San Giacomo promoted by the brotherhood of the same name.

Taking the Camino de Santiago was Antonio’s idea, but of a Santiago all his own, the one that leads from Turin, the city of his current life, to his native Acri, in the heart of Calabria: 1176 km, a path that is all his, such that it belongs to him in a deeper way than usual and with a very specific purpose, to help others, to send a message of solidarity and an invitation to help.

Saturday 22nd July | 6.00pm: Presentation of the book “Me and 1176 km from Turin to Acri on foot” > Diocesan Museum, Contrada Mondovì | Free activity, reservations recommended

> July 27, 2024 | Ti stampa le montagne | solar printing workshop for children ages 5-11

Thanks to an emulsion of iron salts, the sheets become sensitive to sunlight and allow us to print, like a photograph, the profiles of our natural scenic backdrops: the mountains! Together, after the preparation of supports and negatives and after the development and fixing phases, we will see the most iconic and unmistakable silhouettes of our Alps appear.

July 27 | 4:00 PM: I’ll print mountains for you > Diocesan Museum, Mondovì district | Free activity, reservations recommended

> July 27, 2024 | Presentation of Beppe Sala’s film: “The Shikoku Way: a pilgrim in Japan”

The pilgrimage on the island of Shikoku is about 1200 km long and leads to the discovery of the most rural island in Japan. Giuseppe Sala decides to experience the spirituality of this journey wearing traditional clothes, as is customary for pilgrims who want to live the experience to the full. Walking along the 88 temples, the author retraces the footsteps of the Buddhist monk Kukai, to whom the route is associated, and tells us anecdotes and curiosities about Japan and its traditions.

Saturday 27 July | 6.15 pm: Presentation of the film by Beppe Sala: “The Shikoku Way: a pilgrim in Japan” > Diocesan Museum, Mondovì district | Free activity, reservations recommended


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