Facade bonus scam, lawyer of the Avellino Bar arrested

Facade bonus scam, lawyer of the Avellino Bar arrested
Facade bonus scam, lawyer of the Avellino Bar arrested

Scam on the facade bonus, a lawyer from the Avellino court arrested. At the end of a complex investigation activity delegated and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Avellinothe military ofThe Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Avellino they executed an order of house arrest against the professional.

He is being investigated for the crimes of aggravated fraud for the obtaining of public funds, use of money of illicit origin, money laundering and self-laundering of large tax credits, illegally acquired for non-existent construction works relating to front bonus.

Nine other people are involved in the same investigation, investigated for laundering the proceeds of illicit activities. The preventive seizure of a sum equal to 319 thousand euros was also carried out, through the acquisition of the assets of the person under investigation. The investigative activities benefited from the fruitful collaboration of the Revenue Agency, thanks also to the signing of a specific memorandum of understanding, stipulated, at the initiative of the Prosecutor’s Office, between the Agency, the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Avellino and the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Avellino.

And in fact, the investigations are part of a broader context, which was inspired by a report acquired thanks to the investigative coordination. In this context, the Economic and Financial Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza of Avellino reported to the Prosecutor’s Office some individuals, who were then also recipients of an order implementing precautionary custody in prison. In particular, the investigations previously carried out made it possible to acquire elements that led to the discovery that the renovation works on the facade of an old building in Solofra, declared to have been carried out at the end of 2021, were non-existent.

This would have allowed the defendants to collect non-existent tax credits relating to Bonus Façade for a total of 3,815,000.00 euros. The same credits would then have been transferred with various transfer deeds, in order to conceal their origin, to other subjects, with the result that they were also partly monetized at a credit institution, allowing an undue profit of 300,885.88 euros.


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