Correggio: Beating and insulting his wife, arrested

Correggio: Beating and insulting his wife, arrested
Correggio: Beating and insulting his wife, arrested

Since August 2022, in a state of habitual drunkenness, he mistreated his wife, denigrating and offending her, bombarding her with insults and threatening her with death. Showing up home after work always drunk and looking for an argument, accusing her of squandering his money, then going as far as hitting her with pushes, kicks, punches, slaps and pulling her hair, breaking every object that came into his reach during the arguments, chasing her even at work, sending her phone messages in which he threatened her with death.

In the last episode, the man threatened to kill his wife, telling her that he had an iron in his car. The military of Correggio intervened immediately and were able to ascertain that the man had in his car, a steel wrench with a total length of 40 cm, seized. A series of acts of violence committed by the man against the woman, following which, at the end of the investigations, the Carabinieri of the Correggio station, to whom the woman told the facts during a long deposition, reported to the Reggio Emilia Public Prosecutor’s Office directed by the Prosecutor Calogero Gaetano Paci a 55-year-old resident of a municipality in the lower Reggio Emilia area for the crime of mistreatment in the family and carrying weapons or objects capable of causing offence.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Reggio Emilia, sharing with the investigative findings of the Carabinieri of the Correggio Station, requested and obtained from the GIP of the Court of Reggio Emilia, the application of the personal precautionary measure of house arrest against the man, ordering the application of the electronic bracelet. Precautionary measure that was carried out by the Carabinieri of the Correggio station who conducted the investigations.

The investigation revealed that the man, after losing his job in 2022, for four or five months, during arguments and under the influence of alcohol, at least every two days, addressed his wife with serious insults, bombarding her with insults.. Since March 2023, he had been showing up home after work completely drunk and, at least every two days, he had started arguments with his wife, insulting her. During these arguments, he began to hit her by pushing and slapping her in the face and pulling her hair. On some occasions, he dragged her out of the apartment and locked her out of the house. On June 9, he hit his wife with punches and kicks, causing her personal injuries that the health workers deemed curable in 15 days. On June 19, he rang his wife’s doorbell and threatened her. and subsequently called her insistently with further threats.

On another occasion, he called her at her workplace, then sent her an audio message warning her that he was coming and, once there, unable to enter, he violently banged his fists against the glass of the entrance door, threatening her. At the moment, the man was stopped by the police, who found him in possession of a steel wrench with a total length of 40 cm. Serious mistreatment reported by the woman, which was found by the military personnel in force at the Correggio Station, led to today’s precautionary measure requested and obtained by the Reggio Emilia Prosecutor’s Office. On June 29, the Carabinieri of the Correggio Station, having received the order implementing the measure, executed it by subjecting the man to the precautionary measure. The investigations relating to the proceedings, in the preliminary investigation phase, will continue for the usual investigative insights for the purpose of evaluations and determinations inherent to the exercise of criminal action.

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