Peracchini: “Spezia the province that runs the most in Liguria”

Peracchini: “Spezia the province that runs the most in Liguria”
Peracchini: “Spezia the province that runs the most in Liguria”

La Spezia grows by 96.4% according to the indicators taken into consideration and examined in the new report “Think Tank Liguria 2030”, presented in the eighth edition of the forum promoted by The European House Ambrosetti.

“La Spezia is growing in all the indicators taken into consideration by the study, a great success of which we are proud – comment in a note Pierluigi Peracchini, mayor of the capital and provincial president -. The province is first for labor productivity, measured by the added value per worker, which stands at 69.1%, but also for the employment rate of the working-age population, that is, the 15 to 65 age group, which is at 67.8%, with a clear growth in female employment, which reaches 58.3% and youth unemployment drops by 23 percentage points, falling to 27. We are also first in youth entrepreneurship, with eight out of every 100 businesses led by under-35s. We confirm our first place for the impact of the Maritime Economy on the total and second for the number of berths, with 5,528 berths, demonstrating the significant growth of the sector, which will continue to increase thanks to investments made in synergy with associations and local bodies. We are in first place for the arrival of foreign tourists, which in 2022 increased by 97.2%, thanks also to the arrival of cruises, which allows the landing in the territory of over 730 thousand visitors every year”.

Peracchini then highlights that the one from La Spezia “it is the youngest province in Liguria and the one with the highest birth rate, with 5.7 births per 1000 inhabitants. The average age of the population drops to 48.9 years, bringing the province to first place among the other four Ligurians”. For the mayor and president of the Province “these data demonstrate that we are the province that runs faster than all the other Ligurians and confirms that, in many sectors, it drives the entire region. These data are proof that we are on the right path and that we must continue to work for all citizens to improve our territory more and more. We are proud of the work done to date and of having involved all segments of the population”.

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