Changing of the guard at the top of the Carabinieri of Campania

Changing of the guard at the top of the Carabinieri of Campania
Changing of the guard at the top of the Carabinieri of Campania

This morning the ceremony for the changeover of the inter-regional commander of the Carabinieri “Ogaden” was held in Naples. General of the Army Corps Antonio de Vita, who assumed command on July 21, 2023, is replaced by General of the Army Corps Marco Minicucci.

General de Vita leaves active service after 45 years of military life in the service of the State, concluding his military career in Naples where he had already held the position of Commander of the Investigative Unit and, subsequently, Provincial Commander.

The changeover, which took place in front of a formation lined up in arms in the “Cortile d’Onore” of the historic “Salvo D’Acquisto” barracks, was attended by the general commander of the force, Army Corps General Teo Luzi.

Also present was a large representation of Carabinieri from the territorial departments operating in the areas under the responsibility of the Interregional “Ogaden”, as well as representatives of the Professional Associations of a trade union nature between military personnel and comrades on leave from the ANC and the AN FOR.

In the hours preceding the ceremony, General de Vita paid tribute to Vice Brigadier Salvo D’Acquisto, Gold Medal for Military Valor “in memoriam”, by placing a cushion of flowers at the hero’s tomb in the Basilica of Santa Chiara.

During his farewell speech, General Antonio de Vita first of all addressed a moving thought to those who sacrificed their lives for the Force and for our beloved Country, to the many comrades wounded in service and to all the families affected in their affections. He also remembered the latest victims, Marshal Francesco Pastore and Carabinieri Francesco Ferraro, who died in the performance of their duties on April 6th.

He then thanked all the Carabinieri of the Interregional Command “Ogaden” for their commitment, professionalism and self-denial daily shown in favour of the local communities and for the important results obtained in the prevention and repression of all forms of illegality.

In turn, General Minicucci expressed satisfaction for the high office conferred upon him, assuring maximum commitment in order to continue the work of General de Vita to support the activity of the Carabinieri in the Regions of Campania, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Molise and Puglia. He also underlined the strong emotion in returning to Naples after 10 years, when he left the Provincial Command of the Neapolitan capital. Tomorrow morning, General Minicucci will pay homage to the hero Salvo D’Acquisto, in continuity with the tradition that links the commanders to the Neapolitan martyr.

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