Prefect signs three anti-mafia bans on Gargano

Prefect signs three anti-mafia bans on Gargano
Prefect signs three anti-mafia bans on Gargano

The Prefecture’s anti-mafia prevention action continues in an incisive and determined manner with respect to the risks of infiltration of organised crime into the circuits of the legal economy of the territory strongly marked by the presence of deep-rooted criminal gangs that incessantly try to wedge themselves into the vital nodes of the economy and business activity.

Security, legality and protection of economic public order are always at the center of attention of the Prefecture and the police forces. In this regard, the prefect of Foggia Maurizio Valiante – on the basis of targeted investigations conducted by the police forces and the activity of the Inter-force Anti-Mafia Group – has today adopted two anti-mafia measures against two companies that carry out activities in Manfredonia in the construction sector, and a third interdiction measure against an agricultural company in Rignano Garganico immediately after the conclusion of the judicial control phase that occurred following a previous interdiction that had already affected the same company.

“The complex investigative activity that led to the adoption of the strict measures of interdictory anti-mafia information”, they explain from the Prefecture, “once again allows us to hinder the attempt to contaminate the socio-economic fabric by organized crime, which in this province is taking on an increasingly business-like “vocation”, compromising the freedom of initiative and the operational strategies of healthy businesses, with the risk of irreparably damaging the liveliest and most important productive sectors of the territory”.

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