Filippo Rossini is the new President of the Municipal Council of Cesena

Filippo Rossini is the new President of the Municipal Council of Cesena
Filippo Rossini is the new President of the Municipal Council of Cesena

AND Philip Rossini the new President of the Cesena City Council. Born in Cesena on July 25, 1992, Rossini has been working at a service cooperative since 2017. Elected to the City Council for the first time in 2014, from 2016 to 2019 he held the position of President of the Social Services and Health Commission. Re-elected in 2019, from 2021 to 2024 he was the Group Leader of the Democratic party. Member of the Federation Secretariat and of the Territorial Directorate of the Democratic Party since 2021, since 2022 he has been Secretary of the Democratic Party-Oltresavio Circle. He was re-elected in the 2024 administrative elections among the ranks of Democratic party.

The Counselor Enrico Sirotti Gaudenzi of the group Lega instead he was elected vice president of the City Council. Already a councilor in the previous legislature (2019-2024), Sirotti Gaudenzi is a lawyer from Cesena.

Below is the speech given by the President of the Municipal Council Filippo Rossini during today’s session:

“It is with deep emotion that I prepare to address to you all, as is now a consolidated custom, a brief greeting. ‘Celebrating the seventy-eight years since the birth of the Italian Republic recalls the values ​​of our identity and of a far-sighted and wise Constitution, the fruit of the extraordinary rebirth that began with the struggle for Liberation. Independence and freedom are conquests that must be defended every day, in communion of intent and with the ability to cooperate for the common good’. With these words – Rossini recalls – the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, to whom I address my most respectful homage, opened the celebrations of June 2nd of this year. These sentiments, so clearly expressed, contain the profound sense of a political commitment of mine and, I believe, of all of you in this chamber. On July 2nd 1987, Nilde Iotti was elected President of the Chamber of Deputies for the third time. My deepest respect goes to that political tradition of which a good part of us are unworthy heirs. Ours is a strong and solid democracy, as robust and solid are our institutions. Looking at the facts, the facts that you have determined, It would be unfair not to recognize that I was elected mainly by the political majority that won the recent elections. I come from a political community, however, that from the very beginning, teaches some fundamental concepts. Those who do politics in the institutions, at every level, must be available and ready to be judged and measured on a daily basis.

Institutions come before, and remain after, those who are called pro tempore to occupy them, legitimate convictions, legitimate battles, one’s legitimate ambitions”.

“In a firm and constant dialogue – he continues – I will be impartially the President of all of you, with great attention and respect for the prerogatives of the majority and those of the opposition, as it should be in a true democracy. With these convictions, and without underestimating the difficulties, I am preparing to carry out the task to which you have called me. However, I am comforted by the profound certainty of not being alone, I know I can count on a high-level administrative structure, demonstrated on various and frequent occasions. I also know I can count on a large group of former Presidents. Rita Ricci, Simone Zignani, Andrea Pullini, Nicoletta Dall’ara, from whom I will not fail to ask for advice and suggestions starting tomorrow. However, allow me to make a special mention. I began my political commitment when I was very young, and I was lucky enough to see all the presidents I mentioned at work. One in particular, however, has had and has a huge impact on my human and political education: to Ines Briganti, who masterfully held this assembly in years very different from those in which we live today, I address the most affectionate greeting of which I am capable.

“The City Council as a place of opposition between different political cultures and civic movements, but with shared values ​​and feelings at its core, the place of comparison between different ideas, of course, but also of research and construction, together, of the best solutions for our city. In other words, Making possible what is necessary. The elected assemblies, all of them, are going through a systemic crisis. As far as we can do, we all have the task of rebuilding that fundamental thread between elected officials and voters or, if you prefer, between citizens and politics, essential if we want to fulfill the tasks of representation with dignity without losing our sense of reality. This is why it seems wrong to try to retreat on unlikely centralizations. Subsidiarity is a consolidated value”.

“Of course, territorial autonomies present critical issues, but there cannot be an indispensable fine-tuning of the system of autonomies without a look that considers them as a whole, that is, in the relationships between them and the national state. All this truly deserves a serious and challenging discussion. It would be an extremely important fact if one day we could say that from the beginning to the end of our political battle, whatever we called ourselves and whatever form we gave to our political activity, we have served and are served to defend people, to guarantee the freedom of individuals and democracy in our country. A key to putting all this into practice could be the fundamental integration between two concepts that represent the basis and horizon of my beliefs. Equality and Equity, which are not synonymous at all but complementary. Equality is in rights, equity is the set of tools that make those rights of equality accessible to everyone”. “Article 3 of the Constitution – concludes the President of the City Council – is the privileged route to take together. With this hope, I once again extend to each of you my warmest wishes for good work.”

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