Estra Pistoia Market: Elijah Childs’ arrival is official

Estra Pistoia Market: Elijah Childs’ arrival is official
Estra Pistoia Market: Elijah Childs’ arrival is official

Another incoming move for Estra Pistoia: after Luka Brajkovic, Micheal Forrest, Micheal Anumba e Karlis Silis the Tuscans have also signed their starting power forward, it is about Elijah Childs, born in 1999, already moved to Italy in 2021 in that of Trapani. His performances on Sicilian soil did not go unnoticed so much so that in 2022/2023 he moved toin Bakken Bears in Denmark, where he won the championship and made his debut in FIBA Champions League.

Last season, Childs moved to Germania where he played the first part of the season with the Giant Ludwigsburg averaging 9.3 points and 5 rebounds in 17 minutes, before closing the year on German soil with Academics Heidelberg where, in conjunction with his minutes, his average points and rebounds also increased: 16 points e 8 rebounds playing 29 minutes per shoe lace. Pistoia is therefore well underway on the market, now needs two starting outfielders to complete the starting five and a reserve big man, not bad considering it is only the beginning of July.

Estra Pistoia- Elijah Childs: the athlete’s first words

«I am very happy to be back in Italy and to play for Pistoia – Elijah Childs’ first words as a new red and white player – I think this is a very important opportunity for my career and I am happy that the club has given me this chance. Since I played my year in A2 in Trapani I have always had admiration for the Italian championship and for Italy in general: I will find myself playing in a particularly tough and tough championship like Serie A, where in every match you have to give your all, play with great competitiveness and in a tough way. My goal, for this year, is to reach the playoffs and show everyone what my playing characteristics are: I can’t wait to get started”.

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