Giuseppe Russo drowned in the sea at San Leone near Agrigento, body found on the beach

Giuseppe Russo drowned in the sea at San Leone near Agrigento, body found on the beach
Giuseppe Russo drowned in the sea at San Leone near Agrigento, body found on the beach

A 57 year old man from Porto Empedocle, Joseph RussoAnd drowned in San Leonefraction of Agrigentoafter he had dived into the sea despite the strong wind and bad weather. The dead body of the man was recovered a few meters away from the shore: the police are investigating the incident.

The man drowned in San Leone (Agrigento)

Tragedy today – Tuesday 2 July 2024 – in San Leone, a hamlet and main beach of Agrigento, Sicily, where a 57 year old man drowned after diving into the sea near the beach in front of the Aquaselz, along Viale Falcone e Borsellino.

According to what was reported by several local newspapers, the man had decided to dive into the sea despite bad weather and strong winds had made the water dangerous.

Photo source: Tuttocittà.it

San Leone, a hamlet of Agrigento where the body of 57-year-old Giuseppe Russo was found, who drowned after throwing himself into the water

But many of the doubts about the dynamics of what happened. According to some witnesses, as reported by Agrigento Todaythe man reportedly threw himself into the sea still wearing his clothes, which could suggest an extreme gesture.

The corpse of Giuseppe Russo

Following the alarm, the firefighters of the Villaseta provincial command rushed to the scene, patrol boat of the Port Authority of Porto Empedoclethe Carabinieri, who arrived with several patrols, and two 118 vehicles with medical personnel.

Shortly after noon, the body of 57 year old Giuseppe Russo was recovered between the rocks and the beach. The health workers tried in vain to revive the man, but could do nothing but declare him dead.

The Coast Guard, assisted by the Carabinieri, is carrying out the surveys necessary to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident. Witnesses present on site at the time of the tragedy were also heard.

Reconstruction of the dynamics

It will not be easy to reconstruct what led to the death of Giuseppe Russo, the 57 year old from Porto Empedoclea municipality belonging to the free municipal consortium of Agrigento.

There are many elements to evaluate, starting from the testimonies of some passers-by, who they would have seen the man suddenly throw himself into the sea still dressedan element that would suggest a voluntary and extreme gesture.

However, the possibility of illness is not excluded.which would have caused the man to fall into the sea, nor that of a deliberate choice that ended in tragedy due to the strong wind and very rough sea.

Fonte foto: iStock

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