FenImprese Anzio donates a job chair

FenImprese Anzio donates a job chair
FenImprese Anzio donates a job chair

It took place Sunday eveningat the splendid setting of Villa Inkanto in Latinathe charity dinner organized by the association “Il libro di Emiliano (…a story to be continued)”The association was born in January 2024 with the aim of support those who need to use mobility aids on a daily basis. This project was born in memory of Emiliano, a boy affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a rare genetic neurodegenerative disease of the muscles that reduces the possibility of being able to lead a “normal” life. FenImprese has always been sensitive to the issues of solidarity and inclusion aimed at ensuring the inclusion of each individual in society, regardless of the presence of elements that differentiate one from the other and that may appear limiting. The dinner was therefore the occasion for “Il libro di Emiliano” and FenImprese to start a journey together to remove architectural barriers during which the three FenImprese offices – Roma Centro, Latina and Anzio – donated a job chair to seal the collaboration. “FenImprese, as an employers’ association, deals with issues such as workplace safety, bilateral bodies, training – declared the president of FenImprese Roma Centro Francesca Fabber during the delivery speech – apparently distant from the social, in reality solidarity is a transversal theme that affects everyone. As an employers’ association, we are committed to raising awareness among our members in the removal of architectural barriers and, given the period, we are starting from the beaches by involving beach entrepreneurs. We fully support the project of the association “Il libro di Emiliano” founded by president Piera Bernardi and Davide Salzano. The primary objective is to ensure that anyone can freely choose any beach and beach resort. A special thanks to the president of FenImprese Latina Antonio Giordano and to the president of the Anzio branch Giorgio Palomboas always available and sensitive to these initiatives”.
Fabiano Aureli

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