the first photo in a swimsuit after losing weight

the first photo in a swimsuit after losing weight
the first photo in a swimsuit after losing weight

Roberta of Padua is here Men and women She appears in a swimsuit following significant weight loss.

She is one of the most watched ladies in the parterre of the over throne of Men and women. Let’s talk about Roberta of Paduawho just in the course of the season just ended, left the studio hand in hand with one of the knights. Her loves have always been linked to Ida Platano (HERE the latest outburst regarding one of the Canale 5 broadcasts). In fact, the woman had two important stories and both were ex-boyfriends of the hairdresser. The first was Richard Guarnieriwith whom she also had a rather troubled relationship both inside and outside the program.

She later returned to the popular Canale 5 studio to get back into the game and try to find true love. In this case, it went more than well and she once again felt butterflies in her stomach for Alexander Closeness. After a series of ups and downs, disagreements and misunderstandings, the two realized that their feelings were stronger than anything and so they decided to leave the program and today they live their wonderful love story together.

Roberta Di Padua, impressive weight loss after Men and women: this is how it became

Roberta Di Padua showed herself a few days ago on social media and fans immediately realized that something was decidedly different from usual. The former lady followed a diet, apparently quite strict, and for this reason she really lost several kilos. Surely a choice made not only with regards to her physical appearance, but it will also have been dictated by a desire to feel better and to eat more consciously. The fact is that even though she was beautiful before, now she is really in a dazzling physical shape and we had proof of this thanks to a shot in costume that she shared a few hours ago on her Instagram profile.

Roberta Di Padua in swimsuit this morning: her physical shape is crazy after the super diet she did

Di Padua showed up this morning in this black bikini and you can really see the difference. She’s lost a lot of weight, but she hasn’t lost too much weight, on the contrary. It appears perfectly proportioned and everything is harmonious, it doesn’t clash. Surely the dream of many of her peers and not only, who hope to arrive at the swimsuit test prepared and to be able to show off bright and high-cut bikinis and clothes suitable for this period with ease and without inhibitions. Surely hers is a journey that does not stop here and that she intends to continue also in the winter months: the benefits will surely be many, and it shows.

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