Worker dies at the Royal Palace of Caserta after an illness

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Tragedy yesterday at Royal Palace of Casertawhere a 49-year-old worker from an external company engaged in dismantling the set-up of an event connected to the Campania Beer Expo, he died probably due to illness.
The man was descending the Scalone della Reggia when he collapsed in front of a colleague. Help arrived shortly after but there was nothing that could be done for the 49-year-old.
On the official Facebook page of the Campania Beer Expo, an event inaugurated yesterday in the Flora gardens, part of the Royal Palace complex, in the presence of the regional councilor Antonio Marchiello, the organizers published a post of support for the worker.

We have learned that a worker from an external company, who was carrying out dismantling activities for a conference related to the Campania Beer Expo, died due to illness. We share in the family’s grief”, it is read in the post.

“Once again we are forced to record the death of a worker at work, who was working for a contracted company, which occurred yesterday inside the most important monument in our province and beyond, the Royal Palace of Caserta, as part of the Campania Beer Expo initiative, scheduled for yesterday and today”. Thus in a joint note, the general secretariats of the unions Cgil, Csil and Uil intervene on the tragedy that occurred yesterday at the Royal Palace of Caserta, where a 49 year old worker of an external company engaged in dismantling the set-up of an event linked to the Campania Beer Expo, felt ill while going down the stairs and died. The unions immediately asked to suspend the beer event, inaugurated yesterday in the Flora gardens, part of the Reggia complex, and the Region, which organized it, decided today to suspend it, but not because of the death of the worker, but because of the weather alert issued for today.
We are waiting to hear the results of the investigations into the causes of the accident – the unions add – but in any case, some reflections should be made on the working conditions and the controls that should be carried out by the relevant bodies and the structures that commission and authorize the works. In particular, public bodies, which should all the more guarantee maximum safety for both internal workers and those who work on behalf of external companies. Deaths at work are never tragic fatalities: the intense heat of these days, the stress to which we are subjected should make us reflect on whether and how all the necessary precautions have been put in place to protect those who need to work to live, always putting protection before profit or entertainment. Zero deaths at work must not remain just a slogan but a constant commitment and a real value for the entire society. We can no longer witness tragedies of workers who are unable to return to their homes, very often due to deficiencies in safety systems and adequate working conditions”. The union delegates of the Reggia, united in the acronyms of Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Flp and Usb, say they are “shocked by what happened” and ask for “verify whether all the safeguards required by law for the movement of loads have been implemented with temperatures yesterday that were almost 40 degrees” e “if the workers were in service with a regular employment contract”.

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