Bologna, Van Hooijdonk returns: he will leave again, offers from Serie B and England for him

Bologna, Van Hooijdonk returns: he will leave again, offers from Serie B and England for him
Bologna, Van Hooijdonk returns: he will leave again, offers from Serie B and England for him

An important summer that of Bolognaworking to build a squad capable of facing both the championship and the Champions League in the best possible way. It will then be up to the new coach Vincenzo Italian – arrived after three years at Fiorentina – assemble old and new players and give continuity to what was done last year. The rossoblù management is active on the purchase front, but is also trying to place some surplus players to lighten the squad.

Among these is Sydney Van Hooijdonkjust returned from his loan at Norwich. He disappointed with the yellow-green club, making 13 appearances between the first team and Under 21s without ever scoring. Despite this meager haul, which is added to the 11 appearances in the first part of the season with Bologna (embellished with 1 goal in the Coppa Italia), the Dutchman still has a couple of suitors.

According to what is reported by the Bologna Courierthe 2000 class striker is popular in Serie B Bari. There is also a request from England, which comes from MillwallThe Bolognese management will therefore have to evaluate where to place an element that is not part of the plans for next season, with the hope that he will be able to recover and then perhaps return to the parent company in the future and prove useful for the rossoblù cause.

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