Piles of seaweed scare Siponto bathers away. Beach resort managers on the ropes

Piles of seaweed scare Siponto bathers away. Beach resort managers on the ropes
Piles of seaweed scare Siponto bathers away. Beach resort managers on the ropes

Land they call beached plant biomass, in reality they are special waste that for some years have accumulated on the coast of Siponto, residues of marine plants and algae transported to the coast by the wave motion. For environmentalists they play an important ecological role and at the same time represent a further natural defense mechanism of the coasts from erosion. For the tourist operators of the Siponto coast they are a big problem. The beached algae is the Cymodocea that every year at the beginning of the summer worries the concessionaires of the beach resorts. The Municipality of Manfredonia, within the regional guidelines for the management of beached plant biomass, has issued a management provision that establishes the possibility of temporarily disposing of special waste from the beach in concession, in areas indicated by the Municipality.

In Manfredonia the identified area is between the Lido Ultima Spiaggia and the mouth of the Candelaro, in a stretch of coast among the most beautiful of the Gargano coast, rich in dunes and with a lush pine forest. Were there no other places? Also because the current Bathing Ordinance orders to ensure hygiene, cleanliness, waste collection on free beaches, and to make access perfectly accessible to the disabled. Instead in Manfredonia they do the opposite, eliminating a piece of free beach that with the accumulation of Cymodocea has actually driven away bathers, creating problems also for the equipped establishments in the area where because of these algae mosquitoes and midges have increased, in addition to bad smells. The collection and transport is all at the expense of the concessionaires who must also pay a deposit of 5000 euros.

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