thunderstorms from the afternoon, “be careful also in the plains”

thunderstorms from the afternoon, “be careful also in the plains”
thunderstorms from the afternoon, “be careful also in the plains”

The functional risk monitoring centre of the Lombardy region has released today, July 2, 2024a new Weather alert yellow code for thunderstorms. For the afternoon of Today, 2 Julyan increase in instability is expected in the pre-Alpine area, with the possibility of scattered showers or thunderstorms, tending to intensify and become more widespread between late afternoon and late evening, subsequently extending to the plain. Wind reinforcements are expected in the evening associated with the transit of thunderstorms,” we read in the bulletin.

Between night and early morning Tomorrow, 3 Julydisturbed weather will persist with scattered showers or thunderstorms, more persistent in the central-eastern sectors. From late morning, variability is expected with new accumulations on the pre-Alpine belt and development of showers or thunderstorms, subsequently extending to the piedmont belt, possible isolated ones also elsewhere. Moderate easterly or southerly winds are expected until early morning with reinforcements on the plains and Apennines, from late morning in general attenuation“.

Weather alert in Lombardy, the criticality map

Bad weather in Lombardy, yellow weather alert in Milan for thunderstorms from 6pm

The Lombardy Region’s natural risk monitoring centre has issued a yellow (ordinary) alert for thunderstorms from 6pm today, Tuesday 2 July, until 6am tomorrow morning: this is what the Municipality of Milano. The Civil Protection Municipal Operations Center (COC) will be active for monitoring the hydrometric levels of the Seveso and Lambro rivers and for coordinating any interventions in the city. Palazzo Marino invites citizens “during the weather alert, do not stop in underpasses, in the flood risk areas of Seveso and Lambro, under and near trees and near construction site scaffolding, outdoor areas and tents. It is also important to pay attention to weather phenomena during outdoor events, in order to prevent dangerous situations“.

To monitor the situation in the best possible way weather forecast in real time, below we provide a list of pages with all the useful information to follow the meteorological nowcasting minute by minute:

Below are the links for direct access to the pages with the forecasts weather forecast for the main cities in the region.

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