On a motorcycle without a license and tipsy: new troubles for a criminal

The Carabinieri of the Cremona Radiomobile Section reported a 36-year-old man with a criminal record for drunk driving and fined him for driving with a revoked license and driving a seized vehicle.

On the morning of July 1, around 9:30, the Radiomobile patrol was in via Dante patrolling that area and noticed a motorcycle. The driver of that vehicle, when he understood that the military were intent on stopping him, ran away through via degli Orti Romani, via degli Opifici and via Brescia, always pursued by the patrol. Despite being ordered to stop, he continued to run away, going through some streets of the neighborhood and distancing the patrol. But in via Platani he fell on his own, ending up on a parked car. Reached by the military, he was identified and rescued, even though he had not suffered any injuries as a result of the fall.

At that point, the military found that the man did not have a license. Through the databases they verified that in November 2019 he had been notified of the revocation of his driving license for various traffic violations and it was not the first time that the man had driven because he had already been caught driving the same motorcycle in 2021. On that occasion he had been fined and the motorcycle had been seized for confiscation.

Furthermore, the military also found that the 36-year-old was clearly drunk while driving. When subjected to a breathalyzer test, he showed a value of 1.40 g/l, almost three times the permitted level. At the end of the checks, the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile reported him for drunk driving and fined him for driving with a revoked license and driving a seized vehicle. The motorcycle was seized again and this time it was transported to a storage facility.

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