Driving the wrong way on the A23 with a blood alcohol level 4 times the limit – Nordest24

Driving the wrong way on the A23 with a blood alcohol level 4 times the limit – Nordest24
Driving the wrong way on the A23 with a blood alcohol level 4 times the limit – Nordest24

UDINE – A serious incident of dangerous driving has shaken the tranquility of the early Sunday morning along the A23 motorway, where a 32-year-old man was caught driving the wrong way. The patrol of the Police intervened promptly, avoiding more serious consequences.

The alarm and the police intervention

At 6:20 on Sunday, the Udine Traffic Police Operations Center received several reports of a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction to the normal flow of traffic. Thanks to security sensors and closed-circuit television cameras, it was possible to trace the path of the gray Smart along the southbound lane, between Udine Sud and Udine Nord.

The dangerous adventure of a drunk driver

The driver, visibly confused and intoxicated, was stopped after a dangerous journey of over ten kilometers. The breathalyzer detected a blood alcohol level four times higher than the legal limit. Severe measures were taken for the man: the immediate withdrawal of his license, an administrative fine of up to 8,186 euros, the seizure of the vehicle for three months and the reporting to the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Udine.

Driving the wrong way on the A23 with a blood alcohol level four times the limit: 32-year-old in trouble

Road Safety Tips

The Highway Patrol urges drivers: if a vehicle is reported to be driving the wrong way, it is vital to pay attention to the light panels and, if possible, move to a safe area such as a service area or parking lot. Keeping a low speed and staying on the right can save lives.

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