He stalks his ex and makes her lose her job in Ferrara Gazzetta di Reggio

He stalks his ex and makes her lose her job in Ferrara Gazzetta di Reggio
He stalks his ex and makes her lose her job in Ferrara Gazzetta di Reggio

Ferrara The script is the usual one: a man does not accept the end of a relationship with a woman and so I began to stalk her, threaten her, make her life impossibleto the point of scaring her and making her fear for her safety. Here they went even further: he made her lose her job and beat up her partner.

The preliminary investigation of the trial against a 41 year old manaccused of stalking and injuriesdefended by the lawyer Michele Chiaromonte. Last month his name had already been on the list of defendants called before a judge: as a social health worker in a rehabilitation facility in the province he had committed acts of violence and mockery towards two guests, with the sole purpose of having fun or trying to make some of his colleagues laugh by humiliating two fragile people. In that case he got away with theadmission to probation. This time the risk is much greater. The facts occurred in the province in 2022. Since the previous year the defendant had entered into a romantic relationship with a woman, who at the time was living with another man, from whom she also had a daughter. When, in 2022, she decided to break it off, he began bombarding her with messages and calls, many with threatening content: he would reveal their relationship to her partner, he would make her lose custody of the child. The woman, very scared, tried to seek help from a friend, who tried to understand if she could “distract him” by inviting him to talk, but the attempt had no effect.

Here are the stalkings: under her house, at work, while she was going out on her own business and by now she was afraid to do it alone. The woman decides to tell her partner everything. He tells the stalker, he wants a confrontation between men, he wants his number, he goes to his house. His partner tells him that he has nothing in common with him and they have nothing to say to each other. He goes to their house, he doesn’t receive the reaction he expects and says that “in Calabria we don’t solve things like that”. In the meantime the carabinieri arrive and he approaches them too, but he doesn’t raise his hands. “That day – the man said yesterday – I saw terror in my wife’s eyes. That’s why I gave up a job.” The accused raises his hands again, hitting and punching the woman’s partner in the head. When the police arrive, they find him bleeding and covered in abrasions. He too becomes a victim, and like her is a civil party in the trial.

The 41-year-old, however, is accused of having done something else. In addition to following his obsession in the workplace and creating huge inconveniences, he began to bombard the service with negative reviews online. At a certain point she was fired, the service closed. One day he goes crazy in a swimming poolin front of everyone, and even in front of the little girl who was there with her parents to have fun and instead who knows how scared she must have been to see that fury.

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