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Four heroes from Molfetta rescued Nikita Fedotov

Four heroes from Molfetta rescued Nikita Fedotov
Four heroes from Molfetta rescued Nikita Fedotov
They were four heroes of Molfetta, Fabio, Rosanna, Donatello e Antonelloto help Nikita Fedotovthe Russian diver who lost consciousness on impact with the water after diving from 27 meters high al Red Bull Cliff Diving from PolignanoThe episode occurred last Saturday afternoon, during the third round of the international sports competition.

«At the penultimate launch we immediately understood that Nikita Fedotov had hit the water badly – says Fabio – within seconds we reached the point of impact e we acted as a team with the diving team».

While the latter brought the athlete, who was unconscious and in severe dyspnea, to the surface and immediately positioned the cervical collarthe SerMolfetta rescuers lowered the boat into the water spinal stretcher. Then a rescuer went down to the sea to support immobilization of the athlete and the next one transfer to shorewhere he was taken over by the rescue team on the ground. After stabilizing him, Nikita Fedotov was transferred to code red at the “San Giacomo” hospital in Monopoliwhere radiological tests fortunately excluded serious injuries.

«It all happened in the space of a few minutes – explains Fabio – These are difficult operations since we operate in the sea, which is not always calm, close to a cliff, in very narrow spaces.. In fact, in the days preceding the actual race, numerous tests are carried out for the entire rescue team.”

For the third consecutive year, SerMolfetta participated in Cliff Diving as a hydroambulance responsible for the safety and rescue of those involved in the competition for the entire duration of the event, from training up to the four rounds valid for the competition.

«We are coordinated with the diving team, the water scooter team and the rescue on land – Fabio specifies – in these cases it is essential to act quickly and in a coordinated manner».

Thanks to these quick and professional interventions it is possible to tell a happy ending like this: now the athlete is well and out of danger.

«The morning after the incident we met Nikita – concludes Fabio – after thanking us for the assistance, we took a souvenir selfie with him».

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